
Ollie Diary day10

May the 24th

This morning, as I was starting to pull weeds at the back of the house, the neighbours beckoned me to come and see them. So here I am again at the Irie-san's house, but this time without a translator to help me. Irie-san points me out the nests in the ceiling of his open garage, where chicks are chirping away waiting for their mother to return. In a large vibrating machine, a huge ball of dough turns over and over. After sipping an iced coffee, Takae-san has me put on gloves, take the hot ball out onto the work surface, and teach me how to make mochi もち with or without anko あんこ inside, that red bean paste which I love. I was very happy to learn how to do it.

The rest of the day was much slower. Between cleaning the bathroom and helping out just a little bit in the kitchen, I spend most of my time laying in bed.

Takae-san calls me back to give me a beautiful Japanese working garment called samue さむえ, sort of kimono with trousers, in rosy colours and interlaced geometric patterns, because she's worried I'll catch a cold in the evening. Once again, too much of a gift!

In the evening, we enjoy another fine meal with the Irie-san and Shimada-san couples, full of Japanese flavours: miso soup, tofu in sauce, konjac, pickled cabbage, rice with vegetables, homemade plum alcohol, and grilled mochi dipped in sweet soy sauce and rolled in soy powder.
