
Ollie Diary day17

The end of May brings another rainy day. The children from the village came to Aoki Honke guest house to learn more about the place from Ryota-san, who makes them walk around all the rooms and asks them questions.

Toto and I tried to introduce ourselves in Japanese to explain why we are here. It is true that it's a question that is often asked, as it is not so common to choose remote corners of the countryside as a traveling destination!

We then all set off together to enjoy some ramen (which, admittedly, was so much better and so much cheaper than in France...), served by cooks with a towel tied around their foreheads. The broth was frothy and the taste delicious.

Because of the rain, and because I was so tired, I spent the afternoon taking naps, reading and wandering around aimlessly. But in the evening, the stars were magnificent.
