#beYourSoulCat bot
ソウルキャットを探せ( Let a cat #beYourSoulCat )プロジェクトの Twitter bot は、Twitter データベースの中から shelter cat adopt の三語を含む tweet に Let it #beYourSoulCat #adoptdontshop というテキストを入れて retweet するというものだ。
作成には How to Make a Twitter Bot: A Full Guide for Beginners を参考にした。
だが、なぜか、Twitter からはルール違反なので機能が制限される(This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies. As a result, certain functions will be limited. An email has been sent to organizer@itniche36.com with details. For assistance, submit a support ticket.)と言われ、Google Apps Script からはエラーが出て、動作しなくなってしまった。
bot が動いている期間、いいねやフォローもあったので残念だ。
• The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs.
We will analyze Tweets, Twitter users or their contents to see how successfully cats are being adopted in comparison to the number of Tweets a cat’s picture receives. With this information, we hope to learn how to present better cat adoption information and pictures. We have no business purpose. The use of Twitter APIs is strictly to increase the exposure of death row cats information to cat lovers who may have the desire to adopt one of these cats before it’s too late.
• If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct, and the methods or techniques.
By analyzing Tweets, Twitter users, and/or their content, we would like to figure out optimization of Tweets in their format, frequency, and targets in order to obtain high rates of cat adoptations. We’ll also be able to add new users to our list of followers and target them as an interested audience. We plan to use our granted API keys to be compliant with Twitter policies located here: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-andpolicies/twitter-automation.
• If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you’ll interact with Twitter accounts, or their content.
We want our followers to be able to share our information with other cat lovers. We will answer any questions our followers have, but we will not interfere in their Twitter accounts or content in any way.
• If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how, and where, Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed with your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level, or aggregated.
We would like to display our Twitter content on Facebook and possible other SNSs in order to attract as many possible cat adopters as possible. A cat is only on death row for a short time, and we need to share the need for their adoption in as many ways as possible. Full Tweets will be displayed at row level.
サポートチケットを発行して Twitter に問い合わせたが、チケット受領の連絡だけで、「ルール違反」をどう改良すべきかとの回答はない。
なんと Twitter Bots Not Working - Troubleshooting Guide に従って、bot 復活!
”If your bot has stopped working, go to apps.twitter.com and check the status of your bot. If it is in suspended state, you may have create a new Twitter application and use the new keys with your existing Twitter bot.”