
IELTS writing part 1 (2)

The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status. Leisure time in a typical week in hour - by sex and employment status, 1998-99.

The illustration indicates the comparison of leisure period enjoyed by both sex of various employment status in a typical week between the years. As is observed from the graph, the number of unemployed male was the highest while the lowest was the full-time employed of female.

By looking to the significant time on the unemployed workers, the male had the biggest number which displays about 85 hours whereas the female owned below 80 hours. Following the facts, the second largest amount with 83 hours was recorded by the retired male. When it comes to the retired female, it showed almost 80 hours.

With regards to the free time of employed workers of female, the worst number which displayed 35 hours although the employed male had 45 hours. Moving to the conspicuous result with the period of female part-time workers, it had just 40 hours which exhibited lower than that of housewives with 50 hours.
