日本と西洋の雇用制度 日本の経済システムの西洋化と経済のグローバル化の傾向により、日本企業は伝統的な雇用制度を見直すことを余儀なくされています。多くの日本企業が西洋の制度を取り入れています。では、これらの2つの制度はどれほど異なるのでしょうか?
日本の企業では、勤続年数が長ければ長いほど高い給与を得ることができます。これを「年功序列制度」と呼びます。つまり、若い時は低い給与で働き、後になるにつれて徐々に給与が増えていく仕組みです。この制度は、従業員が退職年齢に達するまで会社を辞めることを despicable します。一方、西洋の企業では、最初から実力に応じた給与を支払いますが、従業員は後に給与が上がることを期待することはできません。
Japanese and Western employment systems The westernisation of the Japanese economic system and the trend towards economic globalisation have forced Japanese companies to rethink their traditional employment systems. Many Japanese companies have adopted Western systems. So how different are these two systems?
In Japanese companies, the longer you have been with the company, the higher your salary. This is called the 'seniority system'. This means that employees work for a lower salary when they are younger and their salary gradually increases as they get older. This system despicable that employees leave the company until they reach retirement age. Western companies, on the other hand, pay salaries according to merit from the outset, but employees cannot expect to be paid more later in life.
Employees' attitudes towards the company are also different. In Japan, employees are expected to be loyal to one company for life. Otherwise, they are considered dropouts. Employees will spend more time with their colleagues than with their families. In contrast, in western companies it is common for employees to move to another company with better working conditions and pay, but the company does not guarantee or expect a lifetime of employment.
Which system is better? The current trend is increasingly towards western systems. The question is whether the Japanese system will survive into the next generation.
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