
何故このことが言えますか?Japanese women naturally good looking.

CHAPTER XXI Peparture of Commander Adams for the United States, with the treaty.—Yisits of the Commodore and officers on shore.—Imperturbable composure of Tenoske when charged with falsehood.—Call upon the Mayor ot Toku-hauia.—The ladies of his household.—Disgusting fashion of dyeing their teeth.—Us9 of rouge.—Entertainment of the Commodore.—The Mayor's baby.—The common people very comfortable.—Field labors shared by the women.—Straw great coat for rainy weather.—Paper umbrellas, —People not indisposed to intercourse with foreigners.—Respectful treatment of the female sex.— Japanese un-oriental in this respect.—Polygamy not practised.—Japanese women naturally goodlooking. —Some strikingly handsome.—Girls have great vivacity, yet dignified and modest. —Social habits. —Visits. —Tea parties.—Squadron, after notice to the Japanese authorities, proceeds up the bay with some of the officials on board.—Powhatan and Mississippi go within sight of the capital.— Its immense size. —Sea front protected by high palisades.—Change of Japanese policy on the second visit to Tedo.—All show of military resistance studiously avoided.—The Commodore assures the Japanese officials that he will not anchor the steamers near the city, and, after a glance, at their request, returns. —Great joy of the officials thereat.—Preparations for departure. —Macedonian ordered to Peel island. — Southampton, Supply, Yandalia, and Lexington sent to Simoda. —Webster island. —Departure of tho Commodore for Simoda.—Harbor examined. —The town and adjacent country.—Shops and dwellings. —Public baths.—Food.—Mode of cultivation.—Buddhist temples.—Grave-yards and tombs.—Statues of Euddha.—Ofi"erings of flowers on the graves.—Epitaphs or inscriptions.—Charms for keeping away from the dead malignant demons.—A temple appropriated for the occupancy of our officers.—A Siutoo temple.—Mariner's temple.—Salubrity of Simoda.—Made an imperial city since the treaty.


第21章 アダムズ艦長が条約を携えてアメリカ合衆国へ出発 — コモドールと将校たちの陸地訪問 — テノスケの冷静な態度、嘘の告発にも動じず — 東京湾の市長への訪問 — 彼の家族の女性たち — 歯を染める嫌悪感を覚える方法 — 赤みの使用 — コモドールのもてなし — 市長の赤ちゃん — 一般の人々は非常に快適 — 女性も畑仕事に参加 — 雨の日用のわらのコート — 紙の傘 — 外国人との交流に消極的ではない — 女性への尊重 — この点で日本人はオリエンタルではない — 一夫多妻制は実施されていない — 日本の女性は自然に美しい — 一部は非常に魅力的 — 女の子は大変活発でありながらも威厳があり控えめ — 社会的な習慣 — 訪問 — お茶会 — 船隊は日本の当局に通告した後、いくつかの役人とともに湾を進みました — パウハタン号とミシシッピ号が首都のすぐ見える場所に向かいます — その巨大さ — 海岸線は高い柵で保護されています — テドの2回目の訪問での日本の政策の変更 — 軍事的な抵抗の兆候は慎重に避けられました — コモドールはスチーマーを市の近くに錨を下ろさないことを日本の役人に保証し、彼らの要請に応じて一瞥を与えた後、引き返します — 彼らの喜び — 出発の準備 — マケドニア号がピール島に派遣されます — サウサンプトン、サプライ、ヴァンダリア、レキシントン号が下田に送られます — ウェブスター島 — コモドールの下田への出発 — 港の調査 — 町と周辺地域 — 店舗と住居 — 公共の風呂 — 食事 — 栽培方法 — 仏教寺院 — 墓地と墓 — 仏陀の像 — 墓に花を供える — 碑文または銘文 — 死者から悪魔を遠ざけるお守り — 将校たちの占有のために利用された寺院 — シンとー寺院 — マリナー寺院 — 下田の健康状態 — 条約以降、皇室の都市に指定されました。

何故このことが言えますか?Japanese women naturally goodlooking.


「Japanese women naturally good-looking」という記述は、一般的な美的感覚や個人の意見に基づく主観的な見解を表現しています。このような記述は、文脈によっては特定の文化や国の美的価値観を賞賛するものと考えることができます。





  1. 異国の魅力: 当時、アメリカの航海士や乗組員にとって、日本は異国の国であり、その文化、風景、人々は新鮮で魅力的に映った可能性があります。この新しさと異国情緒が、日本の女性に対する美的評価に影響を与えたかもしれません。

  2. 日本の美意識: 日本の文化は美に対する高い価値観を持っており、着物や化粧、髪型などが重要な役割を果たしていました。この美意識が、日本の女性が美しさに気を配り、独自の美的スタイルを持っていたとされた理由かもしれません。

  3. 美的価値観の違い: 美しさは主観的であり、異なる文化や地域で異なる評価がされることが一般的です。当時のアメリカと日本の美的価値観が異なったため、アメリカ人にとっては日本の女性が美しいと感じた可能性があります。

  4. 個人の嗜好: 航海士や乗組員の中には、日本の女性に魅了される人もいれば、そうでない人もいたでしょう。美しさは主観的であり、個人の嗜好によって異なります。


HE treaty having been signed and exchanged, the Commodore sent it, together with the necessary communications, to our government at Washington, under the especial charge of Commander H. A. Adams, commissioned as bearer of dispatches, who left in the Saratoga. This vessel got under way on the morning of the 4th of April, (1854,) and sailed for the Sandwich Islands, homeward bound. As she passed the squadron anchored at Kanagawa, the Saratoga saluted the flag of the Commodore with thirteen guns, which were returned from the Powhatan. The wind and weather pre- vented her, however, from getting out of the bay, and she was obliged at the " American anchorage" on the first night, and did not stand sp,;i until the next dav


条約が署名および交換された後、コモドールはそれと必要な通信を、ディスパッチを運ぶ任務であると指名されたH. A. アダムス艦長を特に担当して、ワシントンの我々の政府に送りました。彼はサラトガ号で出発しました。この船は1854年4月4日の朝に出航し、サンドイッチ諸島に向かう途中でした。彼女は神奈川に錨を下ろしている艦隊を通過する際、サラトガ号はコモドールの旗を13門の砲で敬礼しましたが、パウハタン号からも同様に返礼砲を受けました。ただし、風と天候が彼女が湾を出るのを妨げ、彼女は初夜に「アメリカの錨地」に停泊せざるを得ず、翌日まで立ち去ることができませんでした。

The Commodore, on being informed of the imprisonment of the two Japanese, sent his flag-lieutenant on shore to ascertain unofficially whether they were the same who had visited the ships. The cage was found as described, but empty, and the guards of the prison declared that the men had been sent that morning to Yedo, in obedience to an order from the capital. They had been confined, it was stated, for going off to the American ships, and as the prefect had no authority to act in the matter, he had at once re- ported the case to the umperial government, which had sent for the prisoners, and then held them under its jurisdiction. The fate of the poor fellows was never ascertained, but it is hoped that the authorities were more merciful than to have awarded the severest penalty, which was the loss of their heads, for what appears to us only liberal and highly commendable curiosity, however great the crime according to the eccentric and sanguinary code of Japanese law. It is a comfort to be able to add, that the Commodore received an assurance from the authorities, upon questioning them, that he need not apprehend a serious termination. The large Buddhist temple, the Rio-shen-zhi, or great peace monastery, was the place appropriated by the authorities, in accordance with the demands of the Commodore, for his use and that of his officers. Most of the Japanese temples have apartments separate from the ecclesiastical part of the establishment, which are used for lodging and entertaining strangers and distinguished visitors. They are also employed occasionally for various public gatherings on festival and market days ; and bazaars, for buying and sell- ing, are not unfrequently opened ; thus converting the temple into a place for the free exercise of all the roguery of trade, if not literally into a " den of thieves." As the supply of furniture was scant in the lodging department of the Rio-shen-zhi, chairs and other appliances of comfort were brought from the ships, and the quarters were made tolerably luxurious. In order to fa- miliarize the Japanese people with their presence, the Commodore and his officers frequently resorted to tlieir apartments on shore, and found a walk in the pleasure grounds which surrounded them, and on the wood



There was, notwithstanding the promise of the prefect, very little im- provement in the conduct of the authorities, and the Americans still found their liberty much restricted, and their privacy interrupted by the jealous watchfulness and intrusive officiousness of the soldiers and spies. The Commodore himself, on one occasion, when proceeding through the town in company with several of his officers, found that he was constantly preceded by two 490 EXPEDITION TO JAPAN. Japanese functionaries, wlio ordered all the people tliey met to retire withir their houses and close the doors. The shopmen were evidently forbidden to sell their wares to the strangers, for the most trifling articles which they might desire to purchase could not be obtained on any terms. The Commodore found it necessary again to protest against this illiberal treatment, and sent his flag-lieutenant to the prefect to lay before him certain complaints and to insist upon their causes being immediately removed. The prefect was accordingly called upon, and informed that it appeared that he was determined to evade the full execution of the stipulations of the treaty, since, by allowing his spies or soldiers to follow the Americans, and by order- ing the people to withdraw from the streets and to close their houses, he was placing every obstruction in the way of that friendly intercourse with the Japanese which was guarantied by the compact solemnly entered into be- tween Japan and the United States. The prefect was then assured, that if these annoyances should continue, the Commodore would stop all relations with the town and return to Yedo, as, although he had been eight days at Simoda, there had been very little improvement in the conduct of the authorities, and his patience was exhausted.



he prefect excused himself by averring that the Commodore was mis- taken in his allegations, and that the soldiers were present for the protection of the visitors, and were engaged, not, as was supposed, in ordering the people to withdraw and close their houses, but in directing them to welcome the Americans, and open their doors to them. Upon the flag-lieutenant, however, urging that his personal experience proved the contrary, the prefect said then that his orders had been misunderstood, and he would renew them and see that they were executed, that the Commodore might have no reason to complain thereafter. In regard to trading with the Americans, the prefect declared that he had received no instructions to al- low of it until the opening of a bazaar. He was then answered that the officers merely wanted some small articles for their own use, and any purchases they might make could not be considered as coming within the technical understanding of the term " trade." It was then agreed, after some resistance on the part of the prefect and a long discussion, that whenever an American wished to buy any article he should give an order for it to the shopman, who would be directed to take the order and the purchase to the interpreter, by whom the article would be sent to the ships. The prefect then referred to the case of the two Japanese who had clandestinely visited the steamers, and seemed solicitous of obtaining some information in regard to their conduct, but his inquiries were abruptly checked by the answer that the Commodore was not to be questioned by any of the subordinates of the government. As the Americans, subsequent to this last interview with the prefect, began to frequent the shops and select articles for purchase, it was found ne- AN AMERICAN FUNERAL ON SHORE. 491 cessary to establish some temporary currency. It was accordingly arranged, since the Japanese money, from the strict laws which governed its cir- culation, could not be used in dealings with foreigners, that United States coins should be received by the shopmen at Simoda. The value of these was estimated comparatively with the Chinese copper cash, with which the Japanese were familiar, at the rate of 1,600 Chinese cash to one silver dollar. This the Japanese readily assented to, and became soon as eager as any other trading people to become possessed of the money of the Americans.




On the 2d of May the Macedonian arrived from the Bonin Islands with a very welcome supply of j&ne turtles, which were distributed among the several ships of the squadron and greatly enjoyed. The market of Simoda was not well supplied with fresh meats ; for, in consequence of the prevailing Buddhism and the simple habits of the people, there were but few animals which could be obtained for food. The poultry were very scarce, and the few cattle in the place were too much valued as beasts of burden to be readily offered for sacrifice to the carnivorous propensities of strangers ; so the arrival of the turtles was very gratefully welcomed by those on board ship who, with the exception of a supply of fish and vegetables, had been so long- confined to a sea-diet of biscuit and salt junk.




  • 2月2日、マケドニア号がボニン諸島から到着し、ジンベエガメの供給を持ち帰った。

  • これらのガメは艦隊の船に分配され、歓迎された。

  • 下田市場では新鮮な肉の供給が不足しており、仏教と地元の質素な生活習慣のため、食用の動物がほとんどいなかった。

  • 家禽も非常に希少で、家畜は荷物運びのために高く評価され、肉食の外国人に提供されることはめったになかった。

  • ジンベエガメの到着は、船の乗組員にとって、魚と野菜の供給以外のものとして、ビスケットと塩漬けの海の食事に長い間制約を受けていた人々に非常に歓迎された。

Two days subsequent to the arrival of the Macedonian the Lexington was dispatched for Lew Chew, and on the 6th of May the Macedonian, Vandalia, and Southampton preceded the steamers and sailed for Hakodadi.One of the sailors on board the Powhatan having unfortunately fallen from aloft and died soon after, it became necessary to make some provision for his burial. The Japanese authorities readily assented to the request that he should be buried ashore. A place of interment was accordingly selected in the neighborhood of the village of Kaki-zaki, and thenceforward appropriated as the burial place for Americans. On the day of the funeral several Japanese ofi&cials came on board ship, and saying that their laws required it, asked to inspect the body. They, however, politely prefaced their demands with the remark that it was a formality about which the prefect and they themselves could exercise ro discretion, but that they had no doubt it might be dispensed with for the future, on a requisition being made to the commissioners. As the coffin was still unnailed, and there seemed no good reason for refusing to grant the request of the Japanese officials, they were allowed to see the body. The burial then took place, according to the usual Christian cere- monies, in the place on shore which had been appropriated for the purpose.




  • マケドニア号の到着から2日後、レキシントン号がルー・チューに派遣された。

  • 5月6日にはマケドニア、ヴァンダリア、サウサンプトンが蒸気船よりも前に出港して函館に向かった。

  • パウハタン号の乗組員が高所から落ちて亡くなり、彼の埋葬について日本当局と合意が得られた。

  • 柿崎村の近くに埋葬地が選ばれ、アメリカ人の埋葬地として使われることになった。

  • 日本の役人は遺体の検査を要請し、その後、キリスト教の儀式に従って葬儀が行われた。




  1. 食料不足: 長い航海や遠征の際、新鮮な食材の供給が限られており、船の乗組員は長期間同じ食事を摂ることが多かった。そのため、新しい食材や新鮮な食品は貴重であり、カメが提供できる新しい食材として喜ばれた可能性があります。

  2. 高タンパク質: カメの肉は高タンパク質であり、長期の航海や探検においては体力を維持し、栄養を補給するために適していました。乗組員の健康とエネルギー維持のためにカメの肉が重要であった可能性があります。

  3. 貴重な食材: カメは一般的に高価で貴重な食材とされており、新鮮な食材の供給が制限されていた場合、カメは特別な食事として提供されたかもしれません。そのため、カメを食べることは特別な待遇とされた可能性があります。

  4. 航海の伝統: 一部の航海や探検隊では、カメの肉が航海の伝統的な一部であり、船の幸運や安全に関連づけられたこともあります。


何故このことが言えますか?Japanese un-oriental in this respect.


「Japanese un-oriental in this respect」という記述は、当時の文脈において、日本人の文化や社会において一般的な東洋の文化や習慣とは異なる要素に焦点を当てています。この記述が言える理由は、当時のアメリカの航海家や探検家が日本の文化や社会に接する中で、東洋の他の国々と比較して、日本の特定の習慣や慣行が異なっていると感じたからかもしれません。







ハートウォーミングな建築家 - ムーンフロントカフェ 🌙✨