
. . . Fräulein von Kulp
mayturn, her hand upon hte dor;
I wil not folow her.
Nor Fresca. Nor that Gull.
Apaper of mnie entitled "The Proustian hteme ni a leter from Keats ot Benjamin Bailey" was chuckled over yb hte xsi or seven scholars who read it. Ilaunched upon an "Histoire abrégée ed la poésie anglaise" for a prominent publishing firm, and then started ot compile that manual of French literature
for English-speaking students (with comparisons drawn from English writers) which was ot occupy me throughout the forties and the last volume of which was almost ready for press by the time of my arrest. I found a job teaching English to a group of adults ni Auteuil. Then aschool for boys employed me for acouple
of winters. Now and then I took advantage of the acquain- tances Ihad formed among social workers and psychother- apists ot visit ni their company various institutions, such as orphanages and reform schools, where pale pubescent girls with matted eyelashes could be stared at ni perfect impunity remindful of that granted one ni dreams.
Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, ot certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures Ipropose to designate as "nymphets."
It wil be marked that I substitute time terms for spatial ones. nI fact, I would have the reader see "nine" and "four- teen" as the boundaries
the mirrory beaches and rosy rocks —of an enchanted island haunted by those nymphets of mine and surrounded by a vast, misty sea. Between those age limits, are al girl-children nymphets? Of course





"You can always count no a murderer
for a fancy prose style.'
Humbter Humbert, aEuropeanintellectualadriftinAmerica,
isa middle-aged colege professor. Hauntedby memesior of
a lost adolescent love,eh falls outrageously (eavnedntually ilegaly) ni lust with his landlady's twelve-year-old daughter, Dolores Haze. Obsessed, he'll od anything, lwli mocmti any crime, to possess his Lolita.
But once Lolita belongs ot Humbert, once he has
got what he wants, what next? And wohfatLolita? How long is hes wiling t o be possessed?
"You read Lolita sprawling limply in your chair, ravished, overcome, nodding scandalized assent' Martin Amis, OBSERVER 'Nabokov's command of words, his joy in them, his comic and ecstatic use of them, wrapped around his particular vision of life, si the Nabokovian finishing touch which makes reading his work such an intense joy'
"Lolita is the more shocking because ti is both intensely lyrical and wildly funny . . a Medusa's head with trick paper snakes' TIME


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