

As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward through the bridge, he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. From this state he was awakened-ages later, it seemed to him-by the pain of a sharp pressure upon his throat, followed by a sense of suffocation. Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward through every fiber of his body and limbs.
These pains appeared to flash along well-defined lines of ramification and to beat with an inconceivably rapid periodicity. They seemed like streams of pulsating fire heating him to an intolerable temperature. As to his head, he was consious of nothing but a feeling of fullness-of congestion.
These sensations were unaccompanied by thought. The intellectual part of his nature was already effaced; he had power only to feel, and feeling was tor-ment. He was conscious of motion. Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, without material substance, he wung through unthinkable ares of oscillation, like a vast pendulum. Then ill at once, with terrible suddenness, the light about him shot upward with the noise of a loud plash; a frightful roaring was in his ears, and all was cold and dark. The power of thought was restored; he knew that the rope had broken and he had fallen into the stream. There was no additional strangulation; the noose about his neck was already suffocating him and kept the water from his lungs. To die of hanging at the bottom of a river!-the idea seemed to him ludicrous. He opened his eves in the blackness and saw above him a gleam of light, but how distant, how inaccessible! He was still sinking, for the light became fainter and fainter until it was a mere glimmer. Then it began to grow and brighten, and he knew that he was rising toward the surface--knew it with reluctance, for he was now very com-fortable. "To be hanged and drowned," he thought, "that is not so bad; but I do not wish to be shot. No; I will not be shot; that is not fair." He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands. He gave the struggle his attention, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the out-come. What splendid effort! -what magnificent, what superhuman strength!

Ah, that was a fine endeavor! Bravo! The cord fell away; his arms parted and floated upward, the hands dimly seen on each side in the growing light. He watched them with a new interest as first one and then the other pounced upon the noose at his neck. They tore it away and thrust it fiercely aside, its undulations resembling those of a water snake. "Put it back, put it back!" He thought he shouted these words to his hands, for the undoing of the noose had been succeeded by the direst pang that he had yet experienced. His neck ached horribly; his brain was on fire; his heart, which had been fluttering faintly, gave a great leap, trying to force itself out at his mouth. His whole body was racked and wrenched with an insupportable anguish! But his disobedient hands gave no heed to the command. They beat the water vigorously with quick, downward strokes, forcing him to the surface. He felt his head emerge; his eyes were blinded by the sunlight; his chest expanded convulsively, and with a supreme and crowning agony his lungs engulfed a great draught of air, which instantly he expelled in a shriek! ad
He was now in full possession of his physical senses. They were, indeed, preternaturally keen and alert. Something in the awful disturbance of his organic system had so exalted and refined them that they made record of things never before perceived. He felt the ripples upon his face and heard their separate sounds as they struck. He looked at the forest on the bank of the stream, saw the individual trees, the leaves and the veining of each leaf- saw the very insects upon them: the locusts, the brilliant-bodied flies, the gray spiders stretching their webs from twig to twig. He noted the prismatic colors in all the dewdrops upon a million blades of grass. The humming Of the gnats that danced above the eddies of the stream, the beating of the ragon lies wings, the strokes of the water spiders legs, like oars which had lifted their boat I these made audible music. A fish slid along beneath his
'Yes and he heard the rush of its body parting the water.

「絞首刑を受け、溺れることは、それほど悪いことではありませんが、撃たれることは望みません。いいえ、私は撃たれたくありません。それは公平ではありません。」彼は努力に気付いていなかったが、手首に鋭い痛みを感じ、手を解放しようとしていることに気付きました。彼はその闘いに注意を払いました。それは、興味を持たないまま、急速な下降のストロークで水を打つジャグラーの芸を観察する怠け者のようでした。なんて素晴らしい努力! -何て壮大で、何て超人的な力!

ああ、それは見事な試みでした!ブラボー!コードが解け、彼の腕は分かれ、浮き上がりました。手は成長する光の中でかすかに見えました。彼は新しい興味を持ってそれらを見つめました。最初は一つ、そして次にもう一つが彼の首のノーズに飛びかかりました。彼らはそれを引き裂き、激しく脇に押しのけました。その波模様は水蛇のようでした。 "戻して、戻して!" 彼はこれらの言葉を手に叫んでいると思った。絞首の解除に続いて、彼がこれまで経験した最も恐ろしい苦痛が彼を襲いました。彼の首はひどく痛み、脳は炎症していました。かすかにひらめいていた心臓は大きく跳び、口から飛び出そうとしました。彼の全身は、耐え難い苦痛で引き裂かれ、ねじられていました!しかし、彼の従順でない手は命令に従いませんでした。彼らは急速な下向きの打撃で水を激しく打ち、彼を表面に引き上げました。彼は自分の頭が出てくるのを感じ、目は陽光で見えなくなりました。彼の胸は痙攣的に膨らみ、究極で冠の苦痛とともに、彼の肺は大量の空気を取り込み、瞬時に叫び声を上げました!


英単語 日本語意味
consciousness 意識
agony 苦痛
shoot 発射する、急に動く
ramification 分岐、枝分かれ
periodicity 周期性
pulsating 脈動する
intolerable 耐え難い
congestion 充血
sensation 感覚
intellectual 知性の、知的な
effaced 消え去った、消滅した
torment 苦悩、苦しみ
motion 動き、運動
encompassed 取り囲まれた、包囲された
luminous 輝かしい、光り輝く
fiery 炎のような、熱烈な
material substance 物質的な実体
pendulum 振り子
suddenness 突然
plash はねかける音、水しぶき
roaring 轟音、大音響
additional strangulation 追加の窒息
suffocating 窒息させる
ludicrous ばかげた、笑わせるほどの
gleam かすかな光
distant 遠い、遠くの
inaccessible 接近できない、アクセスできない
fainter より薄い、かすかに
glimmer かすかな光、ちらりと光る
rising 上昇
reluctance 消極的、抵抗感
hanged 絞首刑にされた
drowned 溺れた
shot 射撃、撃たれる
fair 公平な、公正な
conscious of ~を意識する、気づく
effort 努力、試み
sharp pain 鋭い痛み
wrist 手首
struggle 苦闘、奮闘
idler 怠惰者、ぐずぐずする人
splendid effort すばらしい努力
magnificent 壮大な、立派な
superhuman 超人的な
strength 強さ、力

英単語 日本語意味
endeavor 努力、試み
Bravo ブラボー、素晴らしい
cord コード、ひも
arms 腕
float 浮かぶ、浮上する
dimly かすかに、ぼんやりと
pounce 飛びかかる、襲い掛かる
noose 絞首のループ、首に巻くひも
thrust 押しのける、突き進む
undulation 波状運動、起伏
water snake 水蛇
put it back 戻す、元に戻す
direst 最も恐ろしい、最悪の
pang 苦痛、激痛
ache 痛み、疼痛
horribly ひどく、ぞっとするほど
brain 脳
fluttering 羽ばたく、ひらひらする
leap 飛び跳ねる、跳躍
force 強制する、押し付ける
rack 引っ掛ける、ひっぱる
wrenched 引っ張られる、ねじられる
insupportable 耐え難い、我慢できない
anguish 苦悶、苦悩
disobedient 服従しない、従わない
heed 注意する、気にかける
command 命令、指示
vigorously 活発に、力強く
downward strokes 下向きの打撃、下降のストローク
surface 表面、水面
emerge 浮かび上がる、現れる
blinded 目をくらませる、目が見えない
sunlight 日光
expanded 広がる、拡大する
convulsively 痙攣的に
supreme 最高の、至高の
crowning 頂点の、最高の
engulfed 飲み込まれる、呑み込む
draught of air 空気の一口
expelled 吹き出す、排出する
full possession 完全な所有
physical senses 身体的感覚、五感
preternaturally 超自然的に
keen 鋭い、敏感な
alert 警戒的、警戒心のある
disturbance 騒乱、乱れ
organic system 有機系統、生体系統
exalted 高められた、昇進した
refined 洗練された、精製された
record 記録、記憶
perceived 知覚された、認識された
ripples 波紋
separate sounds 個別の音、分離した音
struck 打つ、ぶつかる
forest 森、森林
individual trees 個々の木
leaves 葉
veining 脈、静脈
insects 昆虫
locusts ローカスト、バッタ
brilliant-bodied flies 鮮やかな体のハエ
gray spiders 灰色のクモ
stretching 伸ばす、広げる
webs クモの巣、網
twig 小枝、枝
prismatic colors プリズマティックな色
dewdrops 露の玉
blades of grass 草の刃
humming ハミング、ブンブン音
gnats ブヨ、ガ
danced 踊る、舞う
eddies of the stream 渦巻き、流れの渦
beating 打つ、打撃
water spiders legs 水蜘蛛の脚
oars オール、漕ぐための棒
lifted 持ち上げた
boat ボート、船
rush 急速な動き、急流


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