U.S. Soldiers, "liberators," are "women-hungry ruffians" for Normandy residents

U.S. Soldiers, "liberators," are "women-hungry ruffians" for Normandy residents



May 27, 2013 14:38 From: Washington, D.C./United States [ North America United States ].

2013年5月27日 14:38 発信地:ワシントンD.C./米国 [ 北米 米国 ]

【5月27日 AFP】(一部更新)第2次世界大戦(World War II)中の仏ノルマンディー(Normandy)上陸作戦に参加した米軍兵士たちは、フランスをナチスドイツ(Nazi)から解放した勇敢な英雄として描かれてきた。そうした「若いハンサムな米兵さん」のイメージに隠された負の側面を明らかにした研究書が来月、米国で出版される。
 6月に刊行予定の「What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France(兵士らは何をしたのか:第2次世界大戦中のフランスにおける性と米兵」は、米ウィスコンシン大学(University of Wisconsin)のメアリー・ルイーズ・ロバーツ(Mary Louise Roberts)教授(歴史学)が、米仏で膨大な量の第2次大戦中の資料を研究してまとめた著作だ。

(AFP) (Updated) U.S. soldiers who participated in the Normandy landings in France during World War II have been portrayed as brave heroes who liberated France from Nazi Germany. A research book will be published in the United States next month that reveals the negative side hidden in the image of such "handsome young American soldiers.

 What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France," to be published in June, is the work of Mary Louise Roberts of the University of Wisconsin. It was compiled by Mary Louise Roberts, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, who researched and compiled a vast amount of WWII documents in the US and France.

 The purpose of the research, Roberts told AFP, was to "expose the falsehood of the typical 'GI myth' that GIs (soldiers in the occupation forces) are tough guys and always act justly. According to the professor, the U.S. military adopted sexuality, prostitution and rape as a means of "gaining an advantage over the French" at the time.

The U.S. soldiers were seen by the people of Normandy as sex-starved roughnecks who had come for "sexual avant-garde". This is well known in local Normandy, but "a big surprise" to the average American, said Professor Roberts.




 特に、ルアーブル(Le Havre)やシェルブール(Cherbourg)では米兵たちのマナーの悪さが目立ったという。米兵たちは、女性を見れば既婚女性でさえ公然とセックスに誘い、公園、爆撃を受けて廃墟と化した建物、墓地、線路の上など、街中いたるところが性行為の場となった。しかし、全てが両者の合意のもとで行われたわけではなく、米兵によるレイプの報告も数百件残されている。


Hiding women, sex everywhere in the city

 While the U.S. media portrayed the U.S. soldiers who landed in Normandy as liberators from a romantic point of view, including a photo of a kissing U.S. soldier and a young French woman, the local people were facing a "problem. The local people were told that it was the men who hid when they saw the Germans, but in the case of the American soldiers, they had to hide the women.

 There was debauchery, misconduct, and even systematic racism among the soldiers. "GIs were having sex everywhere," Roberts said.

 Especially in Le Havre and Cherbourg, the bad manners of American soldiers were noticeable. American soldiers would openly invite even married women to have sex with them if they saw them, and every corner of the city, including parks, bombed-out buildings, cemeteries, and railroad tracks, became a place for sexual intercourse. However, not all sex was consensual, and there are hundreds of reports of rape by American soldiers.

 It was impossible to walk down the street without seeing a man or woman having sex," according to documents examined by Professor Roberts, and it was noted that the mayor of Le Havre at the time asked the commander of the U.S. stationed troops to improve the situation. U.S. military superiors issued an official condemnation of the soldiers' behavior, but made no effort to improve it, according to the report.

 例えば、写真ジャーナリズムの草分けである米誌「ライフ(Life)」は、フランスを「快楽主義者4000万人が住む巨大な売春宿」と表現した。また、米軍機関紙「星条旗新聞(Stars and Stripes)」は、フランス女性を口説くためのフランス語フレーズを連載。「きみ、とても可愛いね」「たばこをあげようか」「ご両親は今、家にいるの?」といった会話の糸口を紹介していた。

France is a "brothel" and also introduces a pick-up line -- propaganda in the US magazine.

 Professor Roberts does not forget to mention the fact that the American soldiers at that time were courageous young men and that France was grateful to them for their bravery and heroism. On the other hand, he also points out that the U.S. military seems to have deliberately used propaganda to appeal to the sexual desires of American soldiers as a quick fix to inspire young men to fight in an unknown country.

 For example, the U.S. magazine Life, a pioneer in photojournalism, described France as "a giant brothel with 40 million hedonists. The Stars and Stripes, a U.S. military newspaper, also published a series of French phrases to seduce French women. "The Stars and Stripes, a U.S. military newspaper, has a series of French phrases for seducing French women, including "You're very pretty," "Can I give you a cigarette? and "Are your parents at home?

 Roberts writes, "Once the American soldier's libido was ignited, it was out of control.

 In addition, Roberts' book goes into the fact that black soldiers were the overwhelming majority of U.S. soldiers accused of rape at the time: according to data from October 1944, black soldiers were accused in 130 of 152 rape cases involving U.S. soldiers. This, Professor Roberts pointed out, shows the deep-rooted discrimination within the US military. He said that the French were also quick to point fingers and blame black American soldiers.

 ノルマンディー上陸作戦から約70年たった今、同書を出版する理由についてロバーツ教授は、歴史を書き換えたいわけではなく、「フランス側から見た実態」を明らかにすることによって、ただの「空虚な英雄譚(たん)」にとどまらない「人類の経験の1つ」としてノルマンディー上陸作戦を捉え直すのが目的だと説明している。(c)AFP/Fabienne Faur

Reconsidering it as a Human Experience

 About 70 years after the Normandy landings, Professor Roberts explained that his reason for publishing the book was not to rewrite history, but to clarify the "reality from the French perspective" and to reconsider the Normandy landings as "one of the experiences of humanity" rather than just an "empty tale of heroism. He explained that the purpose of this report is to rethink the Normandy landings as "one of human experience" and not just "an empty heroic tale" by revealing "the reality from the French side. (c)AFP/Fabienne Faur
