











★English translation★

The mentor for today is Mr. Kazuo Inamori. He is the honorary chairman of Kyocera and has been active as both a technologist and a business leader.
Learning from Mr. Inamori's thoughts, my thoughts has changed regarding  ideas and inspiration. I now understand that they are not innate talents but something that can be felt through continuous effort. While there are moments when vibrant ideas suddenly come to mind, I realized that they are often rooted in a foundation of persistent effort.

Mr. Inamori says that ideas and inspiration are neither coincidences nor the inevitability created by talent, but by touching the "storehouse of wisdom" somewhere in this universe, you can receive the great wisdom stored there. He states that by accessing this vast accumulated wisdom, which is stored in the universe, we can receive great insights. Throughout history, humanity has progressed in technology and civilization by tapping into this wisdom.

Furthermore, it seems that this perspective is not unique to Mr. Inamori. When Mr. Inamori attends the ceremony of an international award known as the "Kyoto Prize," he engages in conversations with researchers and business leaders from various fields, and they seem to share similar views. They mention moments when they receive inspiration as if they have received divine revelations. Interestingly, these moments often occur during periods of relaxation, such as rest or sleep.

By the way, I've also heard that musicians often come up with melodies while taking a shower. When it comes to writing lyrics, they say that ideas don't come to mind at all when they desperately think while listening to music. Instead, ideas often come when they take a leisurely walk, and writing progresses.

Of course, not everyone can easily tap into the "storehouse of wisdom". The more one accumulates knowledge and experience, the more they can connect with the "storehouse of wisdom" and receive abundant inspiration.

The importance of self-investment, including reading books, has been emphasized since longtime ago. To receive more benefits from the "storehouse of wisdom", I felt the need to make efforts in continuous self-improvement in my daily life.
