Faith Comes By Hearing - FCBH
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- ソロモン王の箴言は、知恵と自制心を教え、深い意味を持つことわざを理解する方法を教えてくれます。
- また、正しいこと、正直で公正なことを学ぶことができ、普通の人は賢くなり、若者は知識と常識を得ることができます。
- 賢い人はさらに賢くなり、賢い人は箴言やことわざだけでなく、知恵の言葉や様々な謎を理解することを学ぶことができます。
Speaker A
Proverbs. Proverbs. Chapter one. These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, the son of David. Proverbs will teach you wisdom and self control and how to understand sayings with deep meanings. You will learn what is right and honest and fair. From these, an ordinary person can learn to be smart, and young people can gain knowledge and good sense. If you are already wise, you will become even wiser. And if you are smart, you will learn to understand proverbs and sayings as well as words of wisdom and all kinds of riddles. Respect and obey the Lord. This is the beginning of knowledge. Only a fool rejects wisdom and good advice.
Speaker B
My child. Obey the teachings of your parents and wear their teachings as you would a lovely hat or a pretty necklace. Don't be tempted by sinners or listen when they say, come on, let's gang.
Speaker C
Up and kill somebody just for the fun of it. They're well and healthy now, but we'll finish them off once and for all. We'll take their valuables and fill our homes with stolen goods. If you join our gang, you'll get your share.
Speaker B
Don't follow anyone like that or do what they do. They are in a big hurry to commit some crime, perhaps even murder. They are like a bird that sees the bait but ignores the trap. They gang up to murder someone, but they are the victims. The wealth you get from crime robs you of your life. Wisdom shouts in the streets wherever crowds gather. She shouts in the marketplaces and near the city gates as she says to.
Speaker D
The people, how much longer will you enjoy being stupid fools? Won't you ever stop sneering and laughing at knowledge? Listen as I correct you and tell you what I think. You completely ignored me and refused to listen. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. So when you are struck by some terrible disaster, or when trouble and distress surround you like a whirlwind, I will laugh and make fun. You will ask for my help, but I won't listen. You will search, but you won't find me. No, you would not learn, and you refuse to respect the Lord. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. Now you will eat the fruit of what you have done until you are stuffed full with your own schemes.
Speaker D
Sin and self satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools. But if you listen to me, you will be safe and secure without fear of disaster.
箴言 第1章 ダビデの子、イスラエルのソロモン王の箴言である。箴言は、あなたに知恵と自制心を教え、深い意味を持つことわざを理解する方法を教えてくれる。何が正しく、正直で公平であるかを学ぶことができる。これらから、普通の人は賢くなることを学び、若者は知識と良識を得ることができる。すでに賢明であれば、さらに賢くなるだろう。また、もしあなたが賢いなら、ことわざや格言、知恵の言葉やあらゆる種類のなぞなぞを理解することを学ぶだろう。主を敬い、従いなさい。これが知識の始まりである。知恵と良い忠告を拒むのは愚か者だけだ。
잠언 1장 다윗의 아들 이스라엘 왕 솔로몬의 잠언이다. 잠언은 지혜와 절제를 가르치고, 깊은 의미를 지닌 잠언을 이해하는 방법을 알려준다. 무엇이 옳고, 정직하고, 공정한지 배울 수 있다. 이를 통해 보통 사람은 현명해지는 법을 배우고, 젊은이들은 지식과 양심을 얻을 수 있다. 이미 현명하다면 더욱 현명해질 것이다. 또 만약 당신이 현명하다면 속담과 격언, 지혜의 말과 모든 종류의 수수께끼를 이해하는 법을 배우게 될 것이다. 주님을 공경하고 순종하라. 이것이 지식의 시작이다. 지혜와 선한 충고를 거부하는 것은 어리석은 자들뿐이다.
강연자 B
내 아들아. 부모의 가르침을 따르라. 부모님의 가르침을 예쁜 모자나 목걸이처럼 몸에 지니라. 죄인들에게 유혹을 받거나 그들이 '자, 갱스터가 되자'고 해도 귀를 기울이지 말라.
연사 C
누군가를 죽이고 즐기자. 지금은 건강하고 멀쩡하지만, 확실하게 처리해 주겠다. 놈들의 귀중품을 빼앗아 우리 집을 도난품으로 가득 채우자. 우리 편이 되면 너도 몫이 있을 거야.
연사 B
그런 놈들을 따라다니거나 그들이 하는 짓을 해서는 안 된다. 그들은 어떤 범죄를 저지르려고 서두를 것이고, 아마도 살인도 저지를 것이다. 그들은 먹이를 보면서도 덫을 무시하는 새와 같다. 그들은 누군가를 죽이려고 뭉치지만, 그들은 피해자다. 범죄로 얻은 부는 자신의 삶을 빼앗는다. 지혜는 군중이 모이는 곳이면 어디든 거리에서 외친다. 그녀는 시장에서도, 그 근처에서도 외친다.
- ソロモン王の箴言は、知恵と自制心を教え、深い意味を持つことわざを理解する方法を教えてくれます。
- また、正しいこと、正直で公正なことを学ぶことができ、普通の人は賢くなり、若者は知識と常識を得ることができます。
- 賢い人はさらに賢くなり、賢い人は箴言やことわざだけでなく、知恵の言葉や様々な謎を理解することを学ぶことができます。
Speaker A
Proverbs. Proverbs. Chapter one. These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, the son of David. Proverbs will teach you wisdom and self control and how to understand sayings with deep meanings. You will learn what is right and honest and fair. From these, an ordinary person can learn to be smart, and young people can gain knowledge and good sense. If you are already wise, you will become even wiser. And if you are smart, you will learn to understand proverbs and sayings as well as words of wisdom and all kinds of riddles. Respect and obey the Lord. This is the beginning of knowledge. Only a fool rejects wisdom and good advice.
Speaker B
My child. Obey the teachings of your parents and wear their teachings as you would a lovely hat or a pretty necklace. Don't be tempted by sinners or listen when they say, come on, let's gang.
Speaker C
Up and kill somebody just for the fun of it. They're well and healthy now, but we'll finish them off once and for all. We'll take their valuables and fill our homes with stolen goods. If you join our gang, you'll get your share.
Speaker B
Don't follow anyone like that or do what they do. They are in a big hurry to commit some crime, perhaps even murder. They are like a bird that sees the bait but ignores the trap. They gang up to murder someone, but they are the victims. The wealth you get from crime robs you of your life. Wisdom shouts in the streets wherever crowds gather. She shouts in the marketplaces and near the city gates as she says to.
Speaker D
The people, how much longer will you enjoy being stupid fools? Won't you ever stop sneering and laughing at knowledge? Listen as I correct you and tell you what I think. You completely ignored me and refused to listen. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. So when you are struck by some terrible disaster, or when trouble and distress surround you like a whirlwind, I will laugh and make fun. You will ask for my help, but I won't listen. You will search, but you won't find me. No, you would not learn, and you refuse to respect the Lord. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. Now you will eat the fruit of what you have done until you are stuffed full with your own schemes.
Speaker D
Sin and self satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools. But if you listen to me, you will be safe and secure without fear of disaster.
箴言 第1章 ダビデの子、イスラエルのソロモン王の箴言である。箴言は、あなたに知恵と自制心を教え、深い意味を持つことわざを理解する方法を教えてくれる。何が正しく、正直で公平であるかを学ぶことができる。これらから、普通の人は賢くなることを学び、若者は知識と良識を得ることができる。すでに賢明であれば、さらに賢くなるだろう。また、もしあなたが賢いなら、ことわざや格言、知恵の言葉やあらゆる種類のなぞなぞを理解することを学ぶだろう。主を敬い、従いなさい。これが知識の始まりである。知恵と良い忠告を拒むのは愚か者だけだ。
잠언 1장 다윗의 아들 이스라엘 왕 솔로몬의 잠언이다. 잠언은 지혜와 절제를 가르치고, 깊은 의미를 지닌 잠언을 이해하는 방법을 알려준다. 무엇이 옳고, 정직하고, 공정한지 배울 수 있다. 이를 통해 보통 사람은 현명해지는 법을 배우고, 젊은이들은 지식과 양심을 얻을 수 있다. 이미 현명하다면 더욱 현명해질 것이다. 또 만약 당신이 현명하다면 속담과 격언, 지혜의 말과 모든 종류의 수수께끼를 이해하는 법을 배우게 될 것이다. 주님을 공경하고 순종하라. 이것이 지식의 시작이다. 지혜와 선한 충고를 거부하는 것은 어리석은 자들뿐이다.
강연자 B
내 아들아. 부모의 가르침을 따르라. 부모님의 가르침을 예쁜 모자나 목걸이처럼 몸에 지니라. 죄인들에게 유혹을 받거나 그들이 '자, 갱스터가 되자'고 해도 귀를 기울이지 말라.
연사 C
누군가를 죽이고 즐기자. 지금은 건강하고 멀쩡하지만, 확실하게 처리해 주겠다. 놈들의 귀중품을 빼앗아 우리 집을 도난품으로 가득 채우자. 우리 편이 되면 너도 몫이 있을 거야.
연사 B
그런 놈들을 따라다니거나 그들이 하는 짓을 해서는 안 된다. 그들은 어떤 범죄를 저지르려고 서두를 것이고, 아마도 살인도 저지를 것이다. 그들은 먹이를 보면서도 덫을 무시하는 새와 같다. 그들은 누군가를 죽이려고 뭉치지만, 그들은 피해자다. 범죄로 얻은 부는 자신의 삶을 빼앗는다. 지혜는 군중이 모이는 곳이면 어디든 거리에서 외친다. 그녀는 시장에서도, 그 근처에서도 외친다.