

①be going around (病気などが)流行している →The flu is going around(prevalent) my school now.

②do the rounds 次々回る→(病気などが)流行している
→The tummy bug is doing the rounds in my house.

③incubation period 潜伏期間
→What is the incubation period of the flu?

④infect 感染する
→I was infected with the flu.

⑤catch the flu インフルエンザにかかる
→I caught the flu./ I have got the flu./ I came down with the flu.

⑥get a flu shot/flu jab インフルエンザの予防接種を受ける
→Did you get a flu shot?/ Did you have a flu vaccination?

⑦contagion/contagious 伝染/伝染性の、移りやすい
→The flu is contagious.

⑧quarantine ~を隔離する
→You should quarantine your kids.

⑨shut down/ close down 閉鎖する
→My kid's class shut down due to the flu.

⑩give the flue to someone インフルエンザを誰かに移す
→you will give the flu to someone else.

11.appetite 食欲
→I have absolutely no appetite.

12.stay in bed 寝込む
→I stayed in bed all day.

13.take one's temperature 熱を測る
→Let's take your temperature.

14.wait and see 様子を見る
→Let's wait and see.

15.throw up/puke/vomit 吐く
→I feel like I am going to throw up.

16.symptom 症状
→I didn't have any symptoms./ I wasn't aware of any symptoms.

17.high fever⇔slight fever 高熱⇔微熱(flat fever=平熱)
→I have a high fever./ I'm feeling a little feverish.

18.chills/chilly 寒気/寒気がする
→I have chills./ I feel chilly.

19.nausea/nauseous 吐き気/吐き気がする
→I feel nauseous.

20.diarrhea 下痢
→I'm suffering from diarrhea.

21.stuffy nose 鼻づまり(nasal congestion)
→I have(have got) a stuffy(blocked) nose./My nose is stuffed up.

22.runny nose 鼻水
→I have(have got) a runny nose./My nose is running.

23.blow one's nose 鼻をかむ
→Stop sniffling and blow(clear) your nose!

24.sore throat のどが痛い
→I have(have got) a sore throat/My throat hurts.

25.feel dull 体がだるい
→I feel dull(listless).

26.gargle うがいをする
→Gargling is one of the ways to prevent the flu.

27.surgical mask (医療用)マスク
→Surgical masks are sold out./ Surgical masks are out of stock.

28.in bad shape/ feel terrible かなり体調が悪い
→I'm in bad shape/

29.under the weather 体調がすぐれない
→I've been under the weather for a few days.

30.dizzy 眩暈がする、
→I feel dizzy.

31.be off work 仕事を休む
→I've been off work with the flu for three days now.

32.avian flu/ bird flu 鳥インフルエンザ

33.swine flu 豚インフルエンザ

34.hay fever(pollinosis) 花粉症(spring allergy/seasonal allergy)
→I have hay fever. I have a runny nose and itchy eyes.

35.pollen 花粉
→There's a lot of pollen in the air today.

36.allergic rhinitis アレルギー性鼻炎
→I have allergic rhinitis.

37.paracetamol/acetaminophen パラセタモール、アセトアミノフェン (解熱鎮静剤)→Paracetamol is commonly used in England.

38.antibiotics 抗生物質
→I want a prescription for antibiotics.

39.get over ~が治る
→I finally got over the flu.

40.get better 良くなる
→My cold got better.
