ネイティブスピーカーのAndrewさんが、難関英語試験IELTSの受験後の感想を語る動画です。是非動画を視聴しながら下記の表現について確認してみて下さい♫ (日英字幕対応しているので視聴しやすいと思います)
①How confident are you (that) S V ~? ~する自信はどんな感じですか?
How confident are you (that) you scored 9/9 in the first place?
※in the first place そもそも
②I’m reasonably confident of/in~ かなり自信がある
To start off with, I think I’m reasonably confident of getting a 9/9 just because the scoring structure could potentially work in my favour.
※to start off with とりあえず
※work in my favor/favour 自分の有利に働く
③average out to/at ~ 平均すると~になる
We don’t have to get 9s in every single area. It’s just has to average out to a 9.
④do reasonably well. ある程度うまくいく
If I reasonably well in each area, it should be okay.
⑤be rounded up 四捨五入される
Cause your scores are rounded up, so if you get like 8.75 on average, then you’ll get 9.
⑥break it out by section セクションごとに分ける
So if we break it out by section by section, I think especially in terms of the speaking section I’d be fairly confident in getting a 9,→だから、特にセクション別に分けると、スピーキングのセクションでは9点を取る自信があると思います。
※fairly かなり
⑦view A as~ Aを~と考える、みなす、見る
They ask questions about quite complex topics, but it’s almost like a normal everyday conversation for me, so I don’t really view that part as being too challenging.
※challenging 能力を必要とするような、難問だがやりがいのある
⑧go okay うまくいく
I think I spoke a little bit quicker because the examiner told me to keep going, but apart from that, I think the speaking section went relatively okay.
※tell someone to do~ 人に~するように言う
※keep going 続ける、その調子
※apart from that それを除けば
※relatively 比較的
⑨move on to~ (話題を)~に移す
If we move on to the reading section, it was a little bit trickier in that the questions were quite varied.
※tricky 扱いにくい、手際を要する
※in that S V~ ~という点において
※varied さまざまな、変化のある、多彩な
⑩flat-out まったくの~、完全な~≒complete
It’s hard to tell sometimes whether there is not enough information or it’s just flat-out no.
※tell whether S V~ ~かどうか見分ける
⑪margin of error 許容できる誤差
There is a little bit of margin of error.
⑫go into much detail 詳細を述べる
I don’t want to go into too much detail because that would give away my age.
※give away 暴露する、ばらす
⑬that’s good to know それはいいこと聞いた。教えてくれてありがとう。
A: Listening was fine. It’s quite a bit slower than people normally speak.
B: That’s good to know.
⑭sick/stand out like a sore thumb 悪目立ちする、場違いな感じがする
When I took the IELTS examination for the very first time, I scored only 6.0 in the writing section although I got 8.5 in reading, 8 or 8.5 in listening and also I got 8.5 in speaking. This stuck out like a sore thumb.
※stand/stick out 目立つ sore 痛む thumb 親指
⑮grading scale 採点基準
So obviously, the grading scale for the writing section is tough.
⑯as a general concept 一般的な概念から言うと
I think as general concept writing is quite difficult.
⑰basically 実際には
I expected to maybe take me 40-45 minutes to write up, but basically I ended up taking full 60 minutes.
⑱jump straight/direct into~ 一足飛びで~へ向かう、熟考せずにいきなり~へ向かう、~へ直行する
When I write this type of writing I like to plan for a little bit first because I think it’s counterproductive to just jump straight into it.
※counterproductive 逆効果の、望む結果をもたらさない
⑲proofread ~を校正する
I didn’t have enough time to proofread, so I think that’s my main concern.
⑳shoot a video ビデオを撮る
Maybe we can shoot a video when your results come out.