「The Third Door」著者Alex Banayan × IVS2020 特別セッション 全文書き起こし翻訳
今回、紆余曲折会ってIVSにThe Third Doorの著者Alex氏にIVSで登壇してもらうことが出来ました。その書き下ろし翻訳をまとめたいと思います!
Akio: 皆さんこんにちは、ご存知の方も多いと思いますがアレックスは、「サード・ドア」というベストセラー本の著者です。ここでは、彼に若手起業家へのヒントを話してもらいます。
Alex: 僕も嬉しかったです!
Akio: このセッションに一緒に参加しているイサムは私にアドバイスを求めて このメールを送ってきました
Alex: 最高だね!
Alex: これこそ、サードドアだね!
Akio: そうだね、私とイサムのドアが開いたってことだね。ということで、さっそく本の紹介を皆さんにしたいと思います。この本がどんな本なのか、そこから進めていきましょう。アマゾンジャパンで購入できますよ。
Alex: コンニチハ、アレックス・バナヤンと申します。「ザ・サードドア」の著者です。ありがたいことにこの本は、アメリカだけでなく日本でもベストセラーとなっています。東洋経済新報社より出版されています。
Akio: アレックス、ちょっとファクトチェックをしたいんだけど
Alex: 本当です。僕もイサムと同じように18歳の時に ”サード・ドア” を探し始めてコールドメールを送り始めました。唯一の違いは、イサムの方が僕よりもうまくやったことかな。笑
Akio: 唯一の違いは君は君の本を読むことができなくて、イサムは読めたことだと私は思うよ。笑
Alex: そうだね。スティーブン・スピルバーグをストーカーしたり、他にもたくさんの人にインタビューをお願いして最終的にはビル・ゲイツに会うことが出来ました。
Akio: これは本当に素晴らしい話でした。
Alex: ありがとうございます。ビル・ゲイツにインタビューするのには2年もかかりました。18歳の時にコネも信用もない状態で始めたので非常に長い旅でした。でも、とても面白い旅だった。
Akio: それは運や偶然の結果だと思いますか?それとも、何かスキルや粘り強さがあれば、他の人にもできることだと思いますか?
Alex: そうですね。もちろん、他の人にも可能だと思います。そして、運に関して、僕が得た最高のアドバイスの一つはチー・ルーという現在、中国のYコンビネーターのトップで元BaiduのCOOでもありそれ以前はマイクロソフトでプレジデントを務めていてさらにその前はヤフーの副社長を務めていた
Akio: そうそう、彼はそこで活躍した重要な人だった。彼の話を読みました。とても勤勉な人でした。
Alex: その通り。彼は4時間しか寝ないんです。本当に信じられないよね。
Akio: つまり、成功した人たちは切符を手にして、我慢強くバス停に立っていたんだね。
Alex: そうだね。もしかしたら、あまり我慢強くなくて、うずうずしているかもしれないけど。
マーク・ザッカーバーグのように大学時代に雷に打たれる程の確率の運を掴んだ話もあれば、アメリカ最大の小売店である ウォルマートの創業者のように40代になってからウォルマートを創業した人もいます。
Akio: ところで、ここには君の本を読んだ人がたくさんいるみたいだね。
皆さんからの質問はありますか? 恥ずかしがり屋さんですか?
Isamu: 実は平日に彼のワークショップがあって質問をすることが出来るんです。そこで僕は前に1つだけ質問をしました。今回は、コールドメールの次のステップはどうすればいいかを聞きたいです。
Alex: まず、僕は君をとても誇りに思っています。君がやっていることを嬉しく思います。
Akio: つまり、徐々に関係を築いていくんですね。
Alex: なぜなら、それが結局、ビジネスでは一番大切なことだから。信用出来て、支え合える関係が大切なんです。それが資金や顧客を得る方法であり、それが人を助ける方法だからです。
Akio: そのために時間を投資して関係を構築する必要があるということですね。
Alex: そうです。そして、それはゆっくりと始まり、厳しい道のりです。 イサムが示したように、それは、指数関数的な曲線のようなものです。最初はゆっくりと始まり、10年後には急上昇していることに気づきます。
Akio: イサム、君は一番大変な最初の返信をもらうことができた。
Akio: ということで、次の質問です。ユウコさん、どうぞ。
Yuko: こんにちは、アレックス。
Alex: ユウコさん、こんにちは。お会いできて嬉しいです。私からの質問です。
Yuko: 日本とアメリカの文化の違いをご存知かもしれませんが、もし、日本の若い人たちに何かアドバイスをしてくださいと言われたら、何と言いますか?
Alex: 日本文化についての質問ですね。日本の若者について質問されると、日本の文化についてもっと学ぶべきことがたくさんあると感じます。
Akio: アレックス、君はトラディショナルな価値観を持っているよね?
Alex: 彼らは心配そうでした。僕の家族は移民で、アメリカ生まれではありません。だから、僕はとても保守的で守られた環境で育ちました。両親は僕に勉強して、勉強して、勉強して、医者になってほしかったんです。
Akio: トモヤさんが手を挙げています。彼は日本語で質問するので、私がそれを英語に訳します。
Tomoya: ~省略~
Akio: 本の最後に "連絡して "と書いてある部分があり、実際に彼は英語でメッセージを書こうとしたけど、どこに送ればいいのかわからなかったそうです。だから連絡するにはどうしたらいいのか知りたいと言っていました。
Alex: 何を考えているのか教えてください。
Tomoya: ~省略~
Akio(英訳): 少し大雑把な質問ですが、基本的には日本でソーシャルビジネスを始めていて、最終的には世界市場に拡大したいと考えているそうです。また、彼の情熱を伝えたかったとも言っています。これについて、何か考えはありますか?
Alex: コロナウイルスのパンデミックが収束して、日本を訪れて、東京に行って君と話せることをとても楽しみにしています。
Akio: イサムに聞いてみようと思うんだけど、君はどうやってアレックスに連絡したのかな?君はアレックスに連絡したよね?
Alex: 彼は僕にコールドメールを送って来たよ!
Isamu: 普通にグーグルに載っていました!ググったら彼のメールが出てきました。笑
Akio: ウシジマさん、お願いします。
Ushijima: アレックスに英語でメッセージを伝えさせてください。
「ハーイ アレックス。アイラブユー。」
一同: 笑
Ushijima: 英語ができないので日本語で話しますが、いいですか?
Akio(英訳): まず第一に、もちろん彼も君の本の大ファンです。そして彼は、コロナウイルスのせいで日本に元気がなくなっていると思っているそうです。
Alex: これは非常に大切な質問です。この期間、多くの人々は肉体的だけでなく、精神的にも苦しんでいます。そして覚えておかなければならないのは、これは普通のことではないということです。
Akio: アレックス、翻訳しますね。その前に、あなたが「Spark joy」と言うと近藤麻理恵さんを思い出します。
Alex: マリさんと僕は、実は共通点が多いんです。彼女は家事に喜びを見いだすのを手伝い、僕は仕事に喜びを見いだすのを手伝っているんです。
Akio: なるほど、そこには共通点があるんですね。
Ushijima: ありがとう、アレックス!アイラブユー!
Alex: こちらこそ、ありがとうございます!
Akio: このイベントで初めてプロポーズを見ました。笑
Shibata: こんにちは。アレックス。
Akio(英訳): 彼女はまだあなたの本を読んでいませんが、すぐに読むそうです。彼女は、君が多くの有名人にインタビューをすることができたことを知っています。
Alex: いい質問ですね。僕は非常に罪悪感を感じています。
Akio: アレックス、残念ですが時間です。
Alex: まず、このサミットに来れたことに感謝したいです。バーチャルサミットの方がこのような時代には一人ではないと、繋がりを感じやすい場合もあるんです。加えて、安全のために、できれば家にいてほしい。
Akio: アレックス、ありがとうございました。
英語書おこし(English ver.) (時間がある時に整理します!すみません!)
Hi everyone, as you probably know,
Alex is the author of this best seller book called The Third Door
He's here to talk to us about hints for the young entrepreneurs
especially in this Corona virus age how you should open the doors to your future
But just to set the tone to this session, I want to tell you a short story
about how we actually got Alex to speak at IVS
This actually all happened only a few months ago
Yeah, I'm excited too!
Yeah, so Isamu, who is in this show with us
He actually sent me this email, asking for advice
He had this kind of pre-formatted email
But I had seen this format somewhere before
And the reason is, I also read Alex's book several months before this
So I actually exchanged emails with Isamu
I went back to my Kindle collection to find the book for the exact quote
So I asked Isamu: Did you pull Alex's thing on me?
Of course, Isamu finally admitted
But he came to us
telling us that he wanted to interview all the great entrepreneurs in Japan
It turns out we are the host of the largest entrepreneur conference in Japan
So I basically wanted to test him:
If he can get us to get Alex to present at the conference,
we will let him interview all our entrepreneur contacts
Very impressive!
So this actually proof your book works
That IS the third door!
Yeah it opened the door for me and also for Isamu
With that introduction, I'd like to ask you to quickly introduce your book to the audience
what this book is about and let's take it from there.
You can buy it on Amazon Japan
Konichiwa, my name is Alex Banayan and I am the author of The Third Door
Which is not only a best seller in the United States but also in Japan
The book is published in Japan by Toyo Keizai
And it's been out for about a year now
And we've done a couple amazing tours in Japan which have been incredible
And I am very very honored to be here
because what we are going to be talking about
is really how do you take these principles from the book
about how do you break through and achieve your biggest goals
and how do you do it in a time where the world is much different
when businesses are closing and feels like doors are slamming in our faces
how do you find your way as an entrepreneur
as in investor, even
to achieve your goals in the time of COVID
So, Alex, I just want to do a quick fact check
I read your book and it seemed like it was just too incredible, too good to be true
You were just a college student with no contact and you ended up
interviewing all those people showing on the screen? Is that really true?
That is correct. I started The Third Door when I was an 18-year-old, just like Isamu
just started cold emailing people
The only difference is Isamu did it much better than when I was starting
I was chasing people in grocery stores, I was hiding in bathrooms at conferences
I think the only difference is you didn't get to read your own book, Isamu did
Exactly, exactly
So you actually stalked Steven Spielberg and ultimately after many many attempts,
getting close to Bill Gates. That was an incredible story
Yeah it took 2 years to interview Bill Gates
I started when I was 18 years old with no connections and no credibility
So it was a very long and funny journey
So do you think this was pure luck or coincidence for you?
Or do you think some skills and persistence but potentially doable for others?
Yeah, I definitely think it's doable for others
And when it comes to luck, one of the best pieces of advice I got was from
a man named Qi Lu
Who is, currently in China as the head of Y Combinator of China
He was formerly COO of Baidu
Before that he was President at Microsoft
Before that Vice President at Yahoo
Incredible person
He created the Bing search engine for Microsoft
Oh yeah, he was the key research guy there
Yes, exactly
I read his story and he was the super hard working guy
Yes, exactly, only sleeps 4 hours a night. He's incredible
And I asked him about luck and he said:
Luck, whether you're an entrepreneur or an executive or an investor
Luck is like a bus
If you're standing at the bus stop, eventually, even if you miss getting on that bus
there will be another bus that comes around
but if you don't have the bus fare, in the form of preparation,
you will never be able to get on
and I think that's true for a lot of entrepreneurs which
some people got lucky early on in their twenties,
some people get lucky in their thirties or forties
but at the end of the day, if you're not prepared, you're not ready
if your product isn't where it should be
the bus will just keep passing you by
so these people who are patiently and persistently standing at the bus stop with ticket in their hand
and probably not very patient, very eager to go
but you know there are stories like Mark Zuckerberg, he got hit my lightning and got lucky in college
and there's some people like the founder of Walmart, the biggest reatailer in the United States
he didn't start Walmart until he was in his forties
at the end of the day, if you want to be an entrepreneur,
it doesn't matter what your age is, it matters where your mindset is
hey, it looks like there are a lot of people here who also read your book,
maybe we can make it more interactive if we let the audience ask you questions directly.
I'm just asking them to turn on their video if possible so we can see them
any questions from the audience? are you guys too shy?
yeah, there's some people raising their hand
yeah, ok
actually, maybe I'll ask Isamu first because he's the guy who made this happen
do you have any questions for Alex?
He told me you're his hero
Thank you! Doumo.
actually, he has these mentor sessions every weekend(weekdays)
so I can ask, I did ask one question before.
My question is: what is the next step after cold email?
First of all, I'm very proud of you.
Of how much you're doing
The question is: what is the next step after cold email?
Again, it doesn't matter if you're an entrepreneur, or an executive, or college student
The point of a cold email is not to just cold email someone forever
It's for you to develop a relationship
Whether that's to find a co-founder, to find customers, to find a mentor, to find an investor
What you want to do in your cold email, is to start with a small question and start growing
So maybe the small question is:
what's a book you recommend for aspiring tech entrepreneurs in Japan?
then after you read that book, you send them a thank you note,
then you ask them if they have a recommendation on a good event to go to.
they say: yes, go to Infinity Ventures Summit,
and then you say thank you
and over time you say: maybe when Covid is done, I would love to come by and see the office
so you slowly start building this relationship
because at the end of the day that is the most powerful thing you can have in business
which is good, trusting, supportive relationships
because that's how you get the capital, that's how you get the customers, that's how you help other people
so you actually have to invest in that time and building the relationship
Yeah and it starts slow and it's hard, just like Isamu has shown
it's like an exponential curve, you know?
it starts off slow and then after 10 years you start seeing it really spike up
So Isamu, you've done the hardest part, the initial reply
we opened our network to you so he can interview any CEO
So we have actually given him an assignment
he can reach out to any of the tech entrepreneur that's CEO level
so he's going to go and interview all of them for us
So I'm going to ask the next question. Yuko?
Hi, Alex
Hi, Yuko
Happy to see you here. My question for you is:
You probably already know the differences of the culture between Japan and the US
So if I ask you to give some advice to the young Japanese people, what will you give?
The question about the Japanese culture specifically,
especially when you're asking about the young Japanese people
You know, I have a lot to learn about the culture, more to learn
but what I have seen, first of all, is this incredible energy and this incredible desire to achieve and grow
at the same time, similar to me, and I think maybe the reason my story has resonated in Japan
is, I had a lot of fear when I was starting out
Fear of what my mother would think, fear of my grandparents being upset,
fear of breaking societal rules
and when I spend time in Japan, whether it's with tech entrepreneurs or with Kon Marie
across the spectrum, the entrepreneurs that I've seen really succeed in Japan
are the ones that stop thinking about what society expects of them
and they start building what they want
because at the end of the day, you're never going to achieve your dream if you're constantly
looking over your shoulder and wondering what your parents think or what your friends are going to think
that would be the biggest cultural thing I've noticed
Alex, you actually have very traditional values right?
Because I remember reading your story about trying to convince your parents for your European trip
and it looked like a really tough thing to do
They were not happy
My family are immigrants
My parents were not born in the United States
So I come from a very conservative and very safe background
You know, my parents wanted me to just study, study, and study
and become a doctor
And I know how hard it can be to look your mom in the eye and see her crying
and begging you to go one path when you want to go another
So, it's not easy but at the end of the day, it's your life and it's your dream
and if you want to be an entrepreneur, it comes with a territory
We have someone called, Tomoya
He's going to ask the question in Japanese and I'm going to translate in English
So at the end of the book, there was a part where you said "contact me"
and he actually tried to write his letter to you in English but he didn't know where to send it to,
so he wanted to know what's the best way to contact you?
Just tell me what you're thinking
It's still a broad question but basically he wants to start a social business in Japan
and ultimately he wants to expand that to the global market
and he just wanted to tell you about his passion
and any thoughts on this?
well, I am very much looking forward to when the Corona Virus pandemic is over and
coming to Japan and coming to Tokyo, and we can do something in person there
I'm actually going to ask Isamu how he ended up contacting you
because he somehow figured it out
Well, he sent me a cold email as well!
It was just on Google
I Googled and found his email, that's it
Ushijima san, let's begin
Hi Alex
Konichiwa. I love you
Doumo arigatou gouzaimasu
I can't speak English so I speak Japanese, ok?
First of all, he's a big fan of your book, of course
and currently he's thinking because of Corona virus, there's a lot of depression going on in Japan
and he says a lot of people in their working age in 20s through 40s have suicidal thoughts
and some have already taken action
so people are depressed
and he thinks a book like yours actually gives a huge sense of hope
so he's inspired and he's trying to figure out what he can do today
something he can feel passionate about and pursue
however, he hasn't found one
he hasn't found a direction yet
so his question to you is: this is more emotional level, how do you think a person can find something
they can feel something strongly about?
and a big plan something like the one you had? so they can actually go for it?
he feels finding something he feels something so passionately about is a bit difficult
he's feeling a bit lost
So, first of all, it's a very important question because
a lot of people are not only suffering physically but emotionally during this time
and what we have to remember is this isn't normal
so we need to take it a little easy on ourselves
take a break, you know, you're not going to work as hard as you did 6 months ago
cut yourself some slack. that's the first thing I would say
the second thing that I would say is
if you want to find the thing that make you feel like you have some purpose,
my biggest advice is don't find your purpose
stop looking for your purpose
instead only do things that make you come alive
that make you spark joy
and then your purpose will find you on that path
it can be very paralyzing and depressing trying to find your purpose
so my advice is stop
just work that makes you feel alive
if you need help finding that, i can help you too
Okay, Alex, let me translate
for a brief moment when you use the words: spark joy
it reminded me of Marie Kondo
You know what, Marie san and I actually have a lot in common
she helps people find joy in their house and I help people find joy in their careers
Ah, there are some parallels there
Thank you so much, Alex! I love you!
Yes, thank you!
I think that's the first proposal I've seen in our event
Let's do one final question, yeah?
Yeah, this is the last one
Shibata san, douzo
Hi Alex
So she hasn't read your book yet but she will soon
but she understands that you were able to go interview a lot of famous people
but now the situation has turned around
you are the famous person yourself now
and there are probably a lot of younger people trying to reach out to you
for interviews and so on
but you are very special because you have been in their shoes before
so you had that experience
because you had that experience, is there something you're consciously doing
when you are stopped by young people
and if so, she wants to know how you are thinking about these situations.
That's a good question because I feel very guilty sometimes
I am very honored and I feel very blessed I get a lot of interview requests
but sadly there's too many for me to always respond
and I feel so bad and I feel so guilty
because I used to be the person who was getting ignored
and I wish I could with my mind tell all of the people who have sent me a message:
I love you so much, thank you so much
but I just don't have time because of my family, because of my work
so on one hand, it makes me sad and guilty in the morning when I wake up and open my email
but, because I was in that position before, what I do notice is that when the times come
like with Isamu, where I get the opportunity to say yes
I am able to be much more present and filled with a sense of gratitude
because I know how much these experiences mean
because when I sat down with Bill Gates, even though for him it was just a 45 minute
or 60 minute meeting
for me it was a life moment
so I try to treat every interview, every speech with a sense of presence and gratitude
because you never know who's listening and how they're affected
Okay, Alex, so I think time's up,
so maybe just 1 minute advice to everybody here
I think we have a lot of young members of the community here listening to you
we have this Corona virus situation
what is the right attitude people should have
following the spirit you opened up with The Third Door
First of all, I want to thank you for having me here at this summit
You know, the virtual summit is sometimes more important to make us feel connected
to make us feel like we're not alone in times like this
and in addition to being safe and staying home if you can,
the biggest thing I would say, especially if you're a first time entrepreneur,
is come to terms with the reality
things take time
great things take a lot of time
and one of my favorite quotes from Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple
is that if you want to do something truly great, it takes anywhere from 6 to 7, 8 years
and I think one of the biggest obstacles a new entrepreneurs faces
is that after the first year, they don't see any progress
and they think: maybe I'm not meant to be an entrepreneur
But the reality is, again, it takes time in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth year..
that's when you start seeing things move
you know, starting a business is very much like farming
you're farming rice, you're faming apples...
you plant the seeds, you water the soil, you just have to do the right thing
you just do the right things, you have to network, you have to lead you have to find mentors,
you have to find investors, you have to find customers
you just do the right things, and with time, the fruit comes on the true
so my biggest wish for anyone watching this is:
there will be a time when Corona virus is over
I don't know when it's going to happen, Akio san doesn't know when it's going to happen
but it will happen at some point, and the best gift you can give yourself
is relaxing and trusting that with time, things will work out
Arigatou gozaimasu
Thank you very much, Alex
So this wraps up the session, and for those of you who haven't read his book, go check it out!