【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日に開店し、おかげさまで2年目に入りました ♡ 皆さまのお気に入りのお店の一つになれるよう、これからも平日の”一筆”とともに、週末には、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を、まとめて掲載してまいります🖋 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします by 店主☕細部にまで魂を = Put one's soul in every detail 381 I think the difference between those who accomplishes something wonderful and those who don't is whether they put their soul in every detail. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-08☕プレゼン = Presentation 382 I think that the presentation that is conveyed to the other peaple is simple and easy to understand. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-09☕切り取り = Cut out part 383 When making a decision, don't just look at the information in the cut out part, but let us look it up ourselves. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-10☕ときめきアイテム = Favorite item 384 Thanks to the favorite pen, the negative emotions of drawing a line were dispelled, and I enjoyed drawing a line. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-11☕焦らない = Don't rush 385 If you get rushed, dare to act slowly. Then you will be in normal mode. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-12☕三日月 = Crescent Moon 386 On Valentine's Day night, I was able to see the auspicious crescent moon and spend a romantic time. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-15☕ハードル = Hurdle 387 It is important for us to know how high we can fly now before we challenge the ideal height hurdle. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-16☕英語の発音 = English pronunciation 388 When I tried to pronounce English, it didn't work, so I wanted to study it for the first time. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-17☕美意識 = Aesthetic sense 389 In any situation, I believe that if we stay true to our own aesthetics, we will get the results we want. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-18☕いつか、わかる = Someday known 390 What we are doing, good or bad, will someday be known to those around us. Have a nice day ★ 2021-02-19【Coffee Break】#20 ☕『自家焙煎珈琲 みじんこ』 -湯島- ◎鉄板フレンチトースト ( プレーン ) ◎オリジナルブレンド ( No.1 マイルド シティーロースト ) https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1310/A131002/13126204/