【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #321-330☕

画像1 【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日に開店し、おかげさまで2年目に入りました ♡  皆さまのお気に入りのお店の一つになれるよう、これからも平日の”一筆”とともに、週末には、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を、まとめて掲載してまいります🖋 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします by 店主
画像2 ☕助けるコツ = Tips to help 321  When helping someone, it's better to limit them to what they can't do. Have a nice day ★ 2020-10-28
画像3 ☕面白くて人気者 = Interesting and popular person 322  Interesting and popular people may have a greater desire to entertain those around them than their own entertaining talents. Have a nice day ★ 2020-10-29
画像4 ☕リングの上 = On the ring 323  Everyone has time to compete in the ring. When you get off the ring, a new life begins. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-02
画像5 ☕演じる人生 Ⅰ = Life to play Ⅰ 324  No matter how wonderful the role of the drama, is it fun to play the role for the rest of your life without the drama ending? Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-03
画像6 ☕演じる人生 Ⅱ = Life to play Ⅱ 325  It's must more fun to be yourself than to play a wonderful role on your life. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-07
画像7 ☕ちょっとした秘密 = A little secret 326  When I told a person my little secret, I was happy to hear that she answered with a smile, "I am too." Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-09
画像8 ☕エブリデイ = Everyday 327  Life is always full of opportunities to do something. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-12
画像9 ☕my望遠鏡 = my telescope 328  It's important to have your own telescope so you can see and act before the big waves of change come. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-13
画像10 ☕脱マンネリ = How to eliminate mannerism 329  We are restricted in our actions in the corona, but by expanding our inner self, we can receive new stimuli. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-17
画像11 ☕できることをすればいい = Do what you can 330  In order to solve it, it is better to do what you can do one by one rather than seeking an ideal that you cannot do. Have a nice day ★ 2020-11-19
画像12 【Recommended Book】#16 ☕『ピーターラビットのおはなし』 -福音館書店- ~ いたずらっこピーターのみずみずしいキュートなお話です ♡ ~ https://www.fukuinkan.co.jp/book/?id=5916

