【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #351-360☕

画像1 【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日に開店し、おかげさまで2年目に入りました ♡  皆さまのお気に入りのお店の一つになれるよう、これからも平日の”一筆”とともに、週末には、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を、まとめて掲載してまいります🖋 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします by 店主
画像2 ☕謙虚な姿勢 = Humble attitude 351  When I am with a humble person, I feel as comfortable as when I am in a blanket. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-22
画像3 ☕忙しすぎると Ⅰ = If we are too busy Ⅰ 352  If we're too busy, we feel we don't even want to do what we really want, so we have to avoid it. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-23
画像4 ☕忙しすぎると Ⅱ = If we are too busy Ⅱ 353  It's important for us not to be busy, so that we can maintain to want and realize what we really want to do. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-24
画像5 ☕平和な世界 = Peaceful world 354  Even if we make a mistake or can't do it, I think it's peaceful in a world where people can enjoy themselves and make people smile. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-25
画像6 ☕手が届く = Reachable 355  If we try our best one by one from what seems to be reachable, we will be able to reach places that we can not even imagine now. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-28
画像7 ☕十分やる = Do enough 356  I think that doing enough what we are doing will satisfy our feelings and drive us to our next action. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-29
画像8 ☕連携の時代 = The times of collaboration 357  Now is the time to work together to change the world for the better. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-30
画像9 ☕視座 = viewpoint 358  In 2020, the world has changed dramatically with the new coronavirus. And the viewpoint has expanded. Have a nice day ★ 2020-12-31
画像10 ☕心ゆくまで = To my heart's content 359  At the beginning of 2021, I did what I could do in the room to my heart's content. And I was able to spend the day with satisfied. Have a nice day ★ 2021-01-01
画像11 ☕難きに泳ぐ = Swim in the difficulty 360  I will try my best in the difficulty so that I can achieve results in 2021. Have a nice day ★ 2021-01-04
画像12 【Coffee Break】#18 ☕『コーヒーハウス ニシヤ (COFFEEHOUSE NISHIYA)』 -渋谷- ◎プレミアムプリン ◎アイスコーヒー https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1303/A130301/13160517/

