
「2nd STREET」初買い、安さ自慢をしたくなる  I bought at "2nd STREET" for the first time and brag about its cheapness

うどん県として有名な香川県高松市で古書店「ブックマーケット」からスタートし、現在では全国で500店舗(一部海外店舗含)以上を展開する「株式会社セカンドストリート」。店名は「2nd STREET」。(創業から現在に至るまで企業M&Aなど紆余曲折の中、現在は株式会社GEOが運営)
90年代の頃からリサイクル商品需要が拡大し、いろんな分野でリサイクルショップが増えた。この「2nd STREET」もその一つ。私の世代では “中古品” という名称で馴染んでいるが、言葉も時代とともに “リサイクル” という呼称になり、現在では “リユース” という言葉で事業名や業種名に使われている。
"Second Street Co., Ltd." started from an antiquarian bookstore "Book Market" in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, which is famous as Udon Prefecture, and now has more than 500 stores (including some overseas stores) nationwide. The store name is "2nd STREET". (Currently operated by GEO Co., Ltd., despite the twists and turns of corporate M & A from its founding to the present)
Demand for recycled products has expanded since the 1990s, and the number of recycle shops has increased in various fields. This "2nd STREET" is one of them. In my generation, the name "second-hand goods" is familiar, but with the times, the word "recycle" has become familiar, and now the word "reuse" is used in business names and industry names.

先日TVのバラエティ番組を見ていて、紹介されていたお店の店主が衣料品「2 nd STREET」のこだわり話をしていた。その話と映像に感化され遅ればせながら調べてみると私の住居地の近くにも店舗があることを知った。

Yesterday, I went to the Naruo store in Nishinomiya for the first time and bought it for the first time. I bought trousers and a shirt. The other day, I was watching a variety show on TV, and the owner of the shop was introduced to was talking about the particulars of clothing "2nd STREET". I was inspired by the story and the video, and when I looked it up late, I found out that there was a store near my place of residence.

早速、雨にも関わらず店に行ってみた。いろんなものがあるわあるわ! で、その中から手当たりしだい好みのものを探しまくった。ユニークでこだわり商品をわんさかピックアップし、購入したのがこの2点(写真)。店舗カードも作ってもらい、常連さんへの名乗りを上げた。
Immediately, I went to the store despite the rain. There are various things! So, I searched for the one I liked randomly. These two items (photos) were purchased by picking up unique and discerning products. I asked them to make a store card and gave their name to the regulars.


この2点で、さて、いくらでしょう? これからは関西人特有の “やすさ自慢”なるがお許しを。とくに安価なものを手に入れたら自慢したくなるのが関西人である (そうでない方の方が多いかもしれないが・・)。2点で1,500円也、さぁ~どうだ ! 

How much are these two points?From now on, I will be proud of the "easiness" peculiar to Kansai people, but please forgive me. Kansai people are the ones who want to brag when they get something especially cheap (though many may not).How about 1,500 yen for 2 points! 

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 ロゴマーク/ 2nd STREET ネットより転用 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

