Photo by torikerapochi トルコのボスポラス海峡閉鎖 2 国際法関連情報 2022年3月4日 09:02 事実関係2022年2月24年、ウクライナはトルコに対してボスポラス海峡を閉鎖するように要請。トルコはロシア軍艦については通過を禁止することを発表。 Factbox: Pact gives Turkey oversight of warship transit to Russia, Ukraine Ukraine has asked Turkey to close the Bosphorus and Dardanell Turkey to implement pact limiting Russian warships to Black Sea NATO member Turkey changed its rhetoric to call Russia's assa Turkey closes the Dardanelles and Bosphorus to warships - Naval News Turkey's MFA stated in an interview that the Montreux Convent トルコ政府の見解モントルー条約の実施について Request Rejected The principal provisions of the Convention ruling the passages of vessels of war are outlined here-below:· Aircraft carriers whether belonging to riparian states or not, can in no way pass through the Turkish Straits.· Only submarines belonging to riparian states can pass through the Turkish Straits, for the purpose of rejoining their base in the Black Sea for the first time after their construction or purchase, or for the purpose of repair in dockyards outside the Black Sea.· The total number and the maximum aggregate tonnage of all foreign naval forces which may be in course of passage through the Turkish Straits are limited to 9 and 15.000 tons respectively.· The maximum aggregate tonnage which non-riparian States may have in the Black Sea is 45.000 tons.· In this regard, the maximum aggregate tonnage of the vessels of war that one non-riparian State may have in the Black Sea is 30.000 tons.· Vessels of war belonging to non-riparian states cannot stay more than 21 days in the Black Sea.· Passages through the Turkish Straits are notified to Turkey through diplomatic channels prior to intended passages. The notification time is 8 days for vessels of war belonging to riparian States, and 15 days for those of non-riparian States.武力紛争開始後の決定については、政府のウェブサイトにはまだ掲載されていないようです(3月4日現在)。関連記事 Can Turkey Legally Close Its Straits to Russian Warships? It’s Complicated. Ankara’s hands are tied by the 1936 Montreux Convention. Closing the Turkish Straits in Times of War - Lieber Institute West Point Under the 1936 Montreux Convention. Turkey may prohibit the t Can Turkey Close the Turkish Straits to Russian Warships? Following the recent Russian military intervention in Ukraine To Close or Not to Close ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #ロシア #ウクライナ #国際法 #ボスポラス海峡 #国際人道法 2