
[決算][3M] 24年2Q 新CEOの決算会見(2)


3M Company の24年2Q決算会見から、これはと思った部分を抜粋。



質疑応答は3M CompanyのWebページにある Transcript には載っていなくて、Yahoo! Finance(米国版)のニュース記事から持ってきました。


Thank you very much for that very thorough and detailed kind of deconstruction of the history on organic growth and the like and I appreciate your comment that it will take some time to kind of get after these things, but are you actioning some of these ideas already?
Can you give us a sense of how some of these changes on the front end of the business as it relates to organic growth may be kind of put in action?

by Jeffrey Sprague


  • 売上を伸ばすために何をしようとしているのか?

  • もう既に実行に移しているのか?



たぶんこの人「kind of」が口癖で、ヘンなところ(ネイティブにはヘンじゃないのかもしれないけど、日本人が構文解析したら「はーっ!?」って思う位置)に「kind of」が入りまくって文章が読みづらくなっています。

日本語で言うなら「みたいな」とか。kind of を全部消せば少しは読みやすくなるでしょう。

detailed (kind of) deconstruction of the history on organic growth、売上成長し続けてきた3Mの歴史の再構築、みたいな。

it will take some time to (kind of) get after these things, こういったことを追求するみたいなのって時間かかりますよね。

how some of these changes … may be (kind of) put in action、こういう….な変化がどうやって実際の行動に至るのか、みたいな。



Willian M. Brown CEOの答え


3M Company の外から来た人だけあって、中の人にはない視点で現状3Mが抱える問題の分析はできたのかもしれません。解決策もシンプルで、研究開発を再び活性化する。問題はその解決策を、3M Companyで育った従業員たちが喜んで受け入れる形に落とし込めるか。お手並み拝見と行きましょう。



As I mentioned in my remarks, there are two major thrusts here on driving organic growth. One is certainly to spur innovation and driving innovation to turn the top line up, drive organic revenue. And so part of it is, we've got to sort of bottom out on how much we're spending on new product development and start to turn the ship.

The first half of this year we launched about 75, 76 new product introductions. This year we'll do probably less than 150. And as I reflect back over the last eight or nine, 10 years, at one point in time we did over 1000. So we've really got to turn that around.



It's going to take some time to do that. We continue to invest some of our precious R&D dollars on cost reduction and PFAS exit, stabilizing our supply chain. I made a comment about 80% of our raw materials coming in a source. We've got to qualify other vendors to be able to reduce costs over time.

So that's going to take some time. What I'm really working on as well in R&D is ideas for how we can offload non-value-added activities from our researchers. It really comes in two, three themes. One is both efficiency as well as effectiveness.

I think there's an opportunity to drive effective capacity of our engineering team. I think we have an opportunity to drive velocity through the new product development pipeline. We have an opportunity to think differently and how we govern differently on R&D, where we place our precious dollars so that they can move across the company to the highest ROI investment. So that's what I'm focused on, on R&D.


But again, it's going to take a little bit of time. So we've got to sell more of what we have on the market today. That's simply commercial excellence. I'm digging into a number of different factors.

We've got a sales force today it's just over 5000 people. We know over the last four or five years it's down about 25%. That's partly because of the export model we've moved to. But we have an opportunity to take a look at our coverage, our incentives, our training around our sales force.



For example, for customers that do surface-by-surface conditioning products to polish metals and woods, you always use a respirator to do that. You want to look at our customers. There's a bunch that don't buy the respirators from us, so there's an opportunity there. All of those things are levers that we're going to be pulling here in the short-term, Jeff and we'll keep updating analysts and investors as we learn more about how do we really drive the top line, which is so crucial to driving value creation at 3M.




