
[決算][3M] 24年2Q 新CEOの決算会見(1)

3M Company の24年2Q決算会見から、これはと思った部分を抜粋。


決算会見は、新CEOの決意表明から始まり、続けて経営幹部から決算内容の説明。これは3M CompanyのWebページに Transcript があります。

続けて質疑応答。こちらは3M公式にはありません。Yahoo! Finance(米国版)のニュース記事に記載があります。


新CEOはこの方。3M Company 出身ではなく外部から招かれた。

3M Company の CEO, William M Brown氏


As you know, 3M has been undergoing a lot of change in the past few years following covid, most recently with the successful spin-off of the healthcare business, executing on a significant restructuring effort, and working to mitigate risks including discontinuing PFAS manufacturing by the end of 2025 and settling legal matters. You’ve also seen a number of changes to our organizational model, shifting from a geographic to a global business unit structure and centralizing our global supply chain activities under one senior leader.

Collectively, this has been a massive transformational change for 3M, and the team has executed really well. As a result of these efforts, you’re seeing the benefits in operating margin expansion, strong cash generation, and a solid balance sheet with low leverage ratios and an incrementally more positive view from the rating agencies. Credit to Mike and Monish for their steady hand in guiding the company through these changes.

コロナ禍が発生して以降、3M Company がどう変わってきたか。

  • ヘルスケア部門のスピンオフ完了(24年3月末)

  • PFAS(結城フッ素化合物)製造事業からの撤退(25年末)

  • 訴訟案件(軍人向け耳栓、PFASによる水質汚染)の解決

  • 組織構造の変更

    • 地理的な事業部門構造からグローバルな事業部門構造に移行

    • 世界全体でのサプライチェーン活動を1人の上級リーダーの下に集約



But my job is to look forward, and while much progress has been made, we have more to do … including navigating PFAS-related matters where fortunately we have a strong terrific team managing the exit and our ongoing legal matters.

As I see it, we’re still in the early innings of our operational excellence journey, and we haven’t yet cracked the code on organic growth which I know is essential to creating shareholder value. So my top priorities are #1, driving sustained top-line organic growth … #2, improving operational performance across the enterprise … and #3, effectively deploying capital.

On the first priority, I believe that the company has significant organic growth opportunities as we participate in end-markets with favorable secular trends and have a strong foundation and long history in material science innovation. However, as you well know, organic growth has been below market indices and peers over a several years, and up only about 1 percent year-to-date. Driving sustained organic growth requires both getting more out of R&D, as well as, improving commercial excellence.


  1. 持続的な売上高成長の推進

  2. 会社全体の業務パフォーマンスの改善

  3. 効率的な資本配分

これは press release にも記載がありました。
特に「1. 売上高成長」が株主価値の創出にとって重要という認識。


  • 長期的傾向が好ましい最終市場に参入している

  • 材料科学の革新における強固な基盤と長い歴史を持っている




As I’ve gotten into the details, what I’ve learned is that ex-Solventum, R&D investment for “core” 3M which is running about $1 billion per year, or about 4.5% of revenue, has been about flat nominally over the past 5 years and down on a real basis as the focus was on investing in and strengthening the Healthcare business. And within the lower spend, the amount we invest on new product development has declined even further as the company shifted more dollars to efforts to exit PFAS manufacturing and worked to reduce supply chain cost and resolve COVID-related sourcing constraints.

  • スピンオフしたSolventum Corporationを除く中核事業への研究開発投資は年間約10億ドル、売上高の約4.5%あった。ただ、ヘルスケア事業への投資と強化に重点が置かれたため、過去5年間で名目上は横ばい、実質ベースでは減少していた。

  • PFAS製造からの撤退、サプライチェーンコストの削減、COVID関連の調達制約の解決に向けた取り組みに資金をシフトしたため、新製品開発への投資額はさらに減少していた。

As a result of the decline in investment, along with a strategic shift to fewer but larger innovation opportunities, the number of and revenue from new product introductions has steadily declined over the past decade.


The simple fact is that our products are ageing. While we’ve been shifting our portfolio towards higher growth markets – like auto electrification, industrial automation, data centers and semis, climate tech and others – these efforts aren’t material enough today to offset erosion in our core. They remain for the most part attractive growth platforms, and we need to continue to balance investing appropriately in markets that are evolving quickly while also investing incrementally to sustain the core products we have today.

  • 3M製品は、時代遅れになっている。

  • 事業を成長性の高い市場―――自動車の電動化、産業オートメーション、データ センターと半導体、気候技術など―――にシフトさせてはいるが、中核事業の衰退をカバーするにはじゅうぶんではない。

  • 急速に進化する市場への投資、現在の中核製品を維持するための段階的な投資のバランスを取り続ける必要がある。

But before we make any adjustments to our R&D budget, I want to first explore opportunities to get more from what we currently spend … for example, improving the velocity of our new product development process and increasing the effective “capacity” of our engineers by eliminating bottlenecks and non-valueadded work, and over time, redeploying those currently working on PFAS exit activities to growth initiatives.

With enhanced data transparency and a more coordinated governance process, we can improve R&D effectiveness by deploying resources on the highest return projects. These efforts are essential to reinvigorating the 3M innovation machine but will take time to bear fruit.


  • ボトルネックや付加価値のない作業を排除する

    • 新製品開発プロセスの速度改善効果

    • エンジニアの実効能力を高める効果

  • PFAS(結城フッ素化合物)からの撤退戦にいる人材を新製品開発に配置換え

  • データの透明性を高める

  • 企業統治プロセスの改革


