
Generation Euro Students Award 2023 QA ⑤

2023年5月31日にECB主催で開催された Generation Euro Students Award での、オーストリアチームからラガルド総裁への質問。


 オーストリアチームとの質疑応答は、動画の 21:10 ~ 23:25


We wanted to know what the hardest part about your job is and if this is what you imagine for yourself when growing up?



I know the answer to your second question.
I was not in my wildest dreams thinking that I would be Central Bank Governor let alone European Central Bank President.

I think the hard and challenging part is the teamwork that I was referring to.
When you have many very smart, very well-briefed, very experienced National Central Bank Governors around the table, and try to bring them towards a joint position which is not a given on day one.
So every 6 months I have my challenge. I know more or less where they stand.
I have the intuition of where we need to land.
I need the patience to listen to them and humility to give them full credit for what the ultimate solution will be.
That’s hard but it is also a very humbling exercise.
Because so many often just like on your team,  you say “I know the answer !  I know the answer !” but sometimes you stay away from the answer and let others come up with the answer because then it’s theirs not yours.
What is also difficult if ever you consider doing a job like that, 
especially if you like to talk, and if you like to share, and if you are a spontaneous person is to constantly watch what you say, what words you use, what it implies, what interpretation there will be.
That’s hard as well.
But there are moments when you let your hair down and you can be yourself.
So it’s not always like that you can sing in your shower if you want.


I know the answer to your second question.
I was not in my wildest dreams thinking that I would be Central Bank Governor let alone European Central Bank President.


That’s hard but it is also a very humbling exercise.


What is also difficult if ever you consider doing a job like that, especially if you like to talk, and if you like to share, and if you are a spontaneous person is to constantly watch what you say, what words you use, what it implies, what interpretation there will be.

What is also difficult が主語(S)、to constantly watch … が補語(C)、補語の直前にある is が述語の第2文型(S=C)。


let alone
    used after a negative statement to say
    that the next thing you mention is even more unlikely

more or less

    an idea about what is true in a particular situation
    based on a feeling rather than facts

    the quality of not being too proud about yourself
    – use this to show approval

    to easily defeat someone who is much stronger than you are

