Mさんからの便り-後段, Letter from Mr. M (3rd part /3)
(…continued from 2nd part) Japanese people can help Myanmar people by not investing anything and not supporting and cooperating with any state organizations during this situation.
If you do that, you encourage "Blood-money". Because the Army uses that money to buy weapons. For example, the Army cannot report the audit of the fund aid by the UN for COVID-19.
We would like to say that any investment will fail if any companies do not listen to the voice of Myanmar people. We want to stop the Military's unfair and tortured system. You can help by cutting the Blood-money and help CDM staff who are in Japan and Myanmar. (end)
いかなる会社も、ミャンマー国民の声を聞かないのであれば、いかなる投資も失敗するでしょうと私たちは申し上げたいです。私たちは、不公平で拷問のような軍のやり方を止めたいのです。「血の金」を断つことで我々を助けることができます。そして、日本とミャンマーにいる市民不服従運動中(Civil Disobedience Movement)にある職員たちを救ってください。(終)