【日本皇国皇后宮近衛隊(準軍事部隊) ∴朝霧∴指揮官】
特殊任務部隊 スペツナズhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%9A%E3%83%84%E3%83%8A%E3%82%BA
War Cry
Shimotsuki Alexandra third lieutenant Queen's Guard
Japan Imperial Self-Defense Forces Defense Department, Ministry of Defense, Ground Joint Staff Department
The Imperial Guard of Japan ∴Asagiri∴ Commanding Officer
The Russian surname exists separately, but takes the surname of his spouse Shimotsuki .
Her father is a former GRU Spetsnaz and CEO of a private Russian military company. From childhood, she received various military training from her father, including firearms.
When a large scale terrorist attack occurred near her study abroad destination, she fought back against the terrorist group and saved the Empress' life by assisting the security forces in putting them down.
During the First G.A.-Imperial War, her led part of her father's PMC unit to fight on the Japanese side, damaging many units of the American Empire and thwarting numerous operations.
Fellow and friends nicknamed Sasha.