フランス海軍陸戦・コマンドー・ユベル(Commando Hubert)出身で、マルセイユ・ダイナーパリ本店のCRO(Chief Risk Officer)である。また、形骸化した国連にかわるバチカンの機密都市機関4eyesの調停者で、使徒の超強化人間の1人。G8や、各異性体帝國の判断より、単独で軍事作戦に介入し交戦、武力で調停を行う権利を保有する。
She is a former French Navy Commando Hubert and is the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) at Marseille Diner's Paris headquarters.
She is one of the Apostle's super-enhanced humans and a mediator in the Vatican's secretive 4eyes urban agency, which replaced the shattered United Nations.
She has the right to intervene in military operations alone, engage in warfare, and mediate by force, as determined by the G8 and the Alien Empire.