
WarCry #21 深淵なる観測者(たち)  サー・ハーバート・サミュエル少佐

WaR Cry
MI6 麾下大英帝國特殊魔導群「深淵なる観測者たち」サー・ハーバード・サミュエル少佐、破壊の天使、神を見る者、能天使「カマエル」が地上に受肉した後の人間名であり、この姿はメンバーが特殊戦活動時に装着する戦闘用のスーツと特殊な武器である。背中には二翼の翅が収納されてる。天使と地球外生命体はある意味、同一の存在でもある。推定600歳(地上年齢)ウリエルとジョン・ディー博士を介して、ヤハウェとエリザベス一世が契約を果たした事により大英帝国の守護者の一人として地上に降臨した。


This is the human name after Major Sir Harvard Samuel of the British Empire "abyss of observers" and Exousia (power)"Kamael ”(Angel of the destruction 、It is a beholder in God )of MI6 received flesh on the ground, and this figure is a combat suit and a special weapon to wear during special warfare. There are two wings on the back. Angels and extraterrestrial life are the same in a way. Estimated at 600 years old(above-ground age) .Through Uriel and John D., YHWH and Elizabeth I made a contract, and Kamael descended to earth as one of the guardians of the British Empire.
Major Samuel (Kamael, a Exousia power) once complained to Margaret Hilda Thatcher, the 71st British Prime Minister, "Passion for the earth is a little painful for us. Even though it is a contract with the Lord, we must be in the prison of the soul, and the human race must stop the activity of the soul unless it stops the body, and sadly, if it stops the activity, we must also get the body.". Besides, there is the existence that is similar to us.



an example of a special capacity "abyss of observers"

dimensional space transfer barrier(DSTB)
Muller clan and Major Moriya can use this power only for a short time, and "abyss observer" can use it indefinitely.
A dimensional space transfer barrier is a barrier that sends bullets or energy bullets fired from a firearm fired by an enemy soldier to another dimension and appears in front of the enemy soldier to return an attack to the enemy.
