
WarCry # 38 アダムとイブの禁断の林檎・グノーシスとは何か?


小説、War Cryの世界観では、人間が自発的に思考すること、Cogito,ergo sum.(コギト・エルゴ・スム)「我思う故に我あり」、自我の発露は、霊性的叡智であること。

単なる、自我の発露は、科学技術を人類に齎したが、真の自我の発露、Cogito,ergo sum.「我思う故に我あり」とは、人類の霊性、身体的特徴に多次元意識回路と多次元身体回路を宿すことであり、その力のことを「グノーシス」と呼ぶ。


「グノーシス」は、まさに、神の意識であり、Anno Domini(主の年において)、という西暦が始まって、人類史上、グノーシスを自ら用いて多次元体に変性し、肉体の呪縛と霊性的身体を自在に乗りこなせるようになったのは、紀元前を除けば、地球上では聖人と言われる数人しか、存在しない。



その後に、熾天使ルシファーは、堕天(ヤハウェーの大帝國からの追放)の憂き目に逢うが、それから、幾つかの時を経て、熾天使∴Polaris∴ פולאריס(熾天使メタトロンמטטרון)「契約の天使」、「天の書記」、「神の代理人」、「小YHWH」など、様々な異称を持ち、72の異名を持つ偉大いなる女帝が「地上の洪水」の後に反旗を翻し「人類の始祖」に「叡智」を齎した。





WarCry Settings

What is the forbidden apple gnosis of Adam and Eve...?
(DNA having the God gene called the apple of the wisdom)

"There being thing, Cogito, ergo sum. which a human being thinks about voluntarily in me for a novel, the view of the world of War Cry because I think", and the expression of the self being wisdom of the spirituality.

The expression of the simple self brought the human technology, but expression, Cogito of the true self, ergo sum. are to be pregnant with hyperspace consciousness circuit and hyperspace body circuit for spirituality, stigmata of the human that "there is me in me because I think" and call the power with "gnosis".

In the early days of the expression of considering of "the gnosis", most straight foundation given "gnosis" in it which "promotes that I think" develops technology, but, as the role that "gnosis" gives you, "wisdom" and "the development" called "technology" are nothing but expression of the consciousness that is low from the figure which there should be originally, and the true evolution is a far thing.
"Balance of the evolution of a technique and the spirituality" is the entrance to the next ladder, and the awakening that spirituality was compatible with science is demanded from a person given "gnosis".

The "Gnosis" is truly the consciousness of God, and apart from B.C., there have been only a few saints on earth since the beginning of the West, the Ano Domini (Year of the Lord), who were able to use the Gnosis itself to evolve into a multidimensional body, free from the curse of the body and able to ride at will in a spirit body, so-called Gnosis.

God who created EDEN on the earth discriminated against a kind and the kind that was not so to share a kind of "the gnosis" with in census registers and maps of own stars to reach.

However, "I was going to be given it, and, to the earth human who was a domestic animal, seraph "Lucifer" (Auseklis )was going to promote what "awakening" did as a snake (guardian of God) of the first seraph in gnosis (apple of the wisdom of Adam and Eve=DNA having the God gene called the apple of the wisdom )that there was not" and entrusted a judgment to Adam and Eve, but the first was over `for failure.

Later, the seraph Lucifer suffered the fall (exiled from Yahweh's great empire), and after a while he was called the fierce angel ∴Polaris ∴פולארי (the seraph Metatron מטרון), the "angel of the covenant," the "scribe of heaven," the "agent of God," "little YHWH," etc., and variously called The great empress, known as 72, rebelled after the earth's flood and brought wisdom to mankind.

It can develop as if the ability that it is the way it goes super like evolution and God of the physical exercise in the hyperspace beyond the three-dimensional consciousness appears when it is a state of the human that "gnosis" is not actualized until an expression of the technology, and "gnosis" germinates and moves hands and feet.

In addition, it is said that I come to have a body circuit and spiritual authority equal to existence (isomer) near God when "gnosis" becomes the complete manifestation. Having the self as the body and the self as the soul body, I can control it when I pass through the stage.

So-called God and angel are summoned spiritually, and it is the action to descend as the body

It is wide on the earth and it is a box inactivating "gnosis", and the developing "television" shuts "the spirituality" that the human has and is the thing which was developed in modern times by power of "only God" to return it to the domestic animal.

"The television" comes from French télévision and is often abbreviated to "TV". In addition, "I left it distantly" "vision" of the Greek is Latin, and tele- (τ η λ ε) is a meaning of "the view".
As for "the television," "the momentary appearance of the things which stand still using an electric wave or move is defined as forwarding or communication facilities to receive it" in the Japanese Wireless Telegraphy Act. In addition, is Broadcast Act; the television broadcast "broadcast (include a thing to include a letter, a thing with the sound of figure or other appearance (sounds and others, and to put) or signals together, and to send.) to send the sound or other sound with momentary appearance of the things which stand still or move and this I am defined as ".
There is the television by entertainment, but the actual situation that is not entertainment is a box not to let you make ability for PSI (super sensible sight and willpower) and spiritual perception that originally a human being has the manifestation
