WarCry#52 激烈なる乙女
(にほんこうこくきさいのみやこのえたい あさぎり)
日本皇国防衛省陸上統合幕僚監部防衛部の下部準軍事組織であり、この世紀では常態である男女同権の志願制の下、女性兵士で心技体及び頭脳明晰、忠誠心がA +以上の18歳以上の名誉市民(外国人でありながら米帝戦争時に日本国に従事したものなどを含む)、空挺団を含む人材から選抜、及び推薦により6ヶ月間の入隊試験が認められる。最終過程の∴朝霧∴資格者訓練に合格したものは、皇后宮近衛特殊戦章「激烈なる乙女」を授与され、EPFK(皇后宮近衛)下士官兵適性区分コードを与えられる。その後は、朝霧隊員として作戦に従事するが、常時行われる実行訓練プログラムでは、外国語や30週間の衛生コースなどの技能を学ぶ。ここまでおよそ2年以上かかるといわれている。
交戦中の朝霧隊員、名誉市民、ロシア系日本人、外見はオールドウェポンを使用しているが、22世紀の軍事装甲車両を貫く特殊な対装甲強化弾を使用出来るようカスタムが施されている。Asagiri troops in combat, honorary citizens, Japanese of Russian descent, using old weapons in appearance, but customized to be able to use special anti-armor-enhanced ammunition to penetrate the 22nd century military armored vehicles.
三菱重工製 日本皇国自衛軍陸幕防衛部近接戦強襲装甲服 皇后宮近衛隊 朝霧隊専用【土蜘蛛】敵国の強襲型特殊部隊等に対し作戦行動を取るときに隊員が装着し用いる。Japanese imperial Ground Self-Defense Force Ground Staff Office Defense Department close combat assault armor made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries [Tsuchigumo] is worn by members of the Imperial Household Ground Self-Defense Force, the Imperial Household's Empress guard Corps, exclusively for the Asagiri Corps, when taking operational action against the enemy's assault-type special forces, etc.
Escort Force Introduction (1)
The Imperial Guard of Japan ∴Asagiri ∴The Empress' Palace female Kinsmen of Japan.It is an elite unit of female guards, including honorary citizens, (Including those who were foreigners but engaged in Japan during the GA Emperor War)that report directly to the Empress. The motto of the unit is "to defend the Empress' palace even if you are the last woman standing.
It is not a police force, but a paramilitary organization, which performs full-time escort duties for the Empress and other duties on a full-time basis. There are many guards who are closely related to First Lieutenant Moritani.
An elite 50-member female Kingsguard unit
A paramilitary organization under the Defense Bureau of the Ministry of Defense, under the Joint Staff.
Under the equal rights system, which has become commonplace since the turn of the century, female soldiers of mental and physical strength, including paratroopers, including honorary citizens over the age of 18, with a loyalty rating of A+ or higher, are selected and recommended for the six-month enlistment test.
Those who pass the final process ∴Asagiri∴qualified person training are awarded the Empress's Courtesy Special Warfare Badge "The Furious Maiden" and given the EPFK (Empress's Courtesy) Petty Officer Aptitude Classification Code. She then engages in operations as a member of the Asagiri Corps, where she learns skills such as foreign languages and a 30-week medical course in a constantly running training program. It is said to take approximately two years or more to get to this point.
Close quarters sword fighting, as well as close quarters combat, escorting dignitaries, driving techniques, shooting techniques, survival techniques, guerrilla command techniques, female paratroopers' insignia HALO techniques, etc.
Half of the members have voluntarily strengthened their body parts.
Past G.A. empire military invasions and nuclear attacks on Japan have had a profoundly transformative effect on the Japanese people. Although the Japanese empire would never wage a war of aggression, it changed the Japanese people's sense of national security at the core.