War Cry #24∴Polaris(ポラリス)とは
ELOHIM, rather than the beginning of the world, why do you treat the human race like a slave and oppress it?
A seraph Metatron (Polaris) was panicked. It is a cruel treatment to have created the founder but no love.
I'm going to ask them if they want to make a decision with a wise apple, make them think, and free their mind from oppression from you.(Genesis :Polaris words)
∴Polaris∴ פולאריס(熾天使メタトロン)מטטרוןとは、「契約の天使」、「天の書記」、「神の代理人」、「小YHWH」など、様々な異称を持ち、72の異名を持つ、こぐま座にかけて神都を持つETの神であり地球、日本の大御神で悠久なる「大和(倭)の守護者」である。(年表参照のこと)地球から観測できる、過去の北極星の周期、未来の周期に収まる天体、ET文明は∴Polaris∴の版図であり、ヤハウェに次ぐ勢力のET帝国の女帝である。イラストは地球上での降臨体のイメージ。戦闘では霊や神、ETを屠れる双剣を用いる。天皇家に継がれる3種の神器の天叢雲剣は∴Polaris∴が製作した霊剣である。
With Polaris ∴ (seraph meta Tron), "an agent of God" is "a guardian of the Yamato" (Japan) who it is God of ET which hangs it in the wide range from Ursa Minor which has various another names including "small YHWH", and has 72 nicknames, and has a holy town, and is eternal in the earth, gods of Japan of the sun "a clerk of the sky" "the angel of the contract".
The heavenly bodies settled in a future period in a period of the past polestar which I can observe (by cf. chronological table) from the earth, the ET civilization are census registers and maps of ∴ Polaris ∴ and are the empress of the ET empire of the power next to the Yahweh.
The illustration is an image of the advent body on the earth.
In battle, a double-edged sword is used to slaughter spirits, gods and ET. The Ame No Murakumo Sword, one of the three Sacred Treasures to be inherited by the Imperial Family, is a spiritual sword developed by Polaris
When Jesus Christ (Adam) had suffering in crucifixion in a hill of Golgotha, I carried away his astral body in the holy town and I transmigrated and prepared and supplemented a soul for future war with the Yahweh in old days.
It was faithful subordinates of the Yahweh, but I was disappointed in a flood being caused in Eden (the earth), and not putting feeling on the earth human and I gave Adam and Eve an apple of the wisdom and put a revolt (fall the sky) and did it.
She makes a contract with Japan in the past and regrets that I let Japan and world people carry the fate of the apple of the wisdom on their back while it is more than several thousand years .