






Measurement is deeply connected to power. This perspective is also crucial in impact accounting. Through historical examples, the "power" that measurement holds is explored.

In ancient Egypt, a "ruler" played a vital role in the construction of the pyramids. This ruler was not just a measurement tool but also a symbol of power. The dual meaning of the word "ruler"—both "measuring tool" and "leader"—illustrates the relationship between measurement and power.

After the French Revolution, the introduction of the metric system established a uniform and equal standard, leading to the creation of a new social order. This serves as an important lesson on how the standardization of measurement impacts society.

Measurement is the mother of science and a crucial method for advancing human knowledge. However, it also requires imagination to consider what is discarded and lost as a result. It is not the case that "what cannot be measured has no value."

In impact accounting, recognizing how measurement relates to power and considering what might be omitted or lost through quantification and standardization is essential. Understanding the relationship between measurement and power, reflecting on its impact, and using impact accounting as a means to build a truly rich society is the true wisdom required.
