Cerasus pseudocerasus; Φ30cm terracotta; 3rd year, March 4, 2021Rhododendron simsii (Azalea); Φ12cm poly-propylene; March 4, 2021Bougainvillea under the sun in spring: March 6, 2021I went to a town for the first time in a month and bought a cherry-colored Mont Blanc.Vinca major (periwinkle), the flower bloomed on March 10, 2021.Ipheion uniflorum (Chinese chive) and wild strawberry; March 10, 2021.Hyacinthus orientalis, It became wild without being planted, March 11,2021.Tulipa, March 17, 2021."Higan" is the week surrounding the Vernal Equinox day; I bought a sakura cake.Vaccinium ashei, Homebell; blueberry, March 24, 2021.Tulipa, March 30, 2021.Silverberry, March 31, 2021.Seeds of rose "Ballerina" germinated on March 20. This is the status on March 31.