。。。アメリカ🇺🇸ホワイト・ハウス への請願書。。。【 日本国民は日本政府の調査を望んでいる 】
署名が集まらないのも残念ですが、こんな事をアメリカのホワイト・ハウスに請願しなくてはならない日本政府というのは一体全体なんなんでしょうか!? そもそも日本政府を構成している人達ってどんな人なのでしょうか? 国民の税金から人件費が支払われている「公務員」なのではありませんか? まったく酷い話ですね。
NHKが日本国民から徴収している受信料を使って、日本を貶めるような売国行為に勤しんでいるのと同じですね。 彼らが日本人なんだか?日本人でないのか?知りませんが、「日本政府」の反日勢力を排除しないとアメリカのように、中国共産党にとって使い勝手の良い、都合の良いニンゲンが日本のTOPに就くことになります。あ…、もうなってるって? 日本の状況はもっと酷いって? そうでしたか…。🐧💦
・The Japanese people want an investigation into the Japanese government We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
The Japanese people want an investigation into the Japanese government
Created by A.N. on November 15, 2020
Sign This Petition
Needs 33,943 signatures by December 15, 2020 to get a response from the White House
66,057 SIGNED 100,000 GOAL
The Japanese government's refusal to disclose the nationality of its politicians and draft a spy law, which the Japanese people have repeatedly demanded, calls for an investigation into the possibility that spying is already widespread.
Policies are in place that favor foreigners over the Japanese. They refuse to listen to the voice of the Japanese people. The Japanese government has a kinder policy towards anti-Japanese education in Korea and China.
👇 自動翻訳にて
66,057 署名 100,000 GOAL
https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/ja/The Japanese people want an investigation into the Japanese government Created by A.N. on November 15, 2020 Sign This Petition Needs 33,943 signatures by December 15, 2020 to get a response from the White House 66,057 SIGNED 100,000 GOAL The Japanese government's refusal to disclose the nationality of its politicians and draft a spy law, which the Japanese people have repeatedly demanded, calls for an investigation into the possibility that spying is already widespread. Policies are in place that favor foreigners over the Japanese. They refuse to listen to the voice of the Japanese people. The Japanese government has a kinder policy towards anti-Japanese education in Korea and China.