diplomatic 外交の、外交上の involving diplomats or the management of the relationships between countries:
Prime minister Kishida Fumio gave up diplomatic negotiations.
diplomat 外交官
diploma 資格免許状、卒業証書 (ギリシャ語の diploma-は「2重になったもの」という意味。 羊皮紙を2つ折りにしたもの(推薦状、旅券、特許状)などを公務で持っているものを diplomat「外交官」と呼んだ)
narrative 物語、話、話すこと a story or a description of a series of events:
This is a narrative of her experience.
narrate 物語る、話す、語り手になる
narration 物語ること、ナレーション
story (事実でも架空でも)話
tale 作り話 fairy tale
fable 寓話(動物が登場して道徳的な話)
contamination 汚染、汚染物質 the process of making something dirty or poisonous, or the state of containing unwanted or dangerous substances :
The sea is contaminated by nuclear waste.
They may contaminate the soil.
stark 荒涼とした 厳しい あからさまの empty or without decoration
It was a stark room with a bed and chair.
Stark also means completely clear
stark naked
doctrine 教義、信条 a belief or set of beliefs, especially political or religious ones, that are taught and accepted by a particular group:
Their doctrine allows the use of violence.
doctor 医者 博士(その学問に精通しているもの)
archaeological 考古学の
archaeology 考古学 the study of the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects that belonged to people who lived in the past, in order to learn about theirculture and society
I am an expert on the archaeology of ancient Japan.
subsequent その後の 次の happening after something else:
The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.