7.part-time job

A lot of youngsters who are in universities have part-time jobs whilst having to manage their studies. From my point of view, this phenomenon is clearly harmful and my reasons will be discussed in this essay.

For one thing, it is true that there are some merits to try part-time jobs. For example, students can meet and interact with people in different ages as well as acquire the first- hand experience of earning money on their own. However, when learners have to spend a lot of time to work, they can no longer focus on studying. As a result, their performance might deteriorate. On the other hand, students from affluent families do not have to work and can just concentrate on studying due to enough support from parents. It is difficult to say that this contrast is fair and perhaps this bring about an increase in inequality. That is why, quite a few countries seek to help students from poor families with scholarships to achieve fairness.

In addition, the environment that students cannot have adequate studying time is adverse in terms of growing the country’s human resource and enhancing competitiveness. In modern society, it is undoubted that the public’s academic skills are significant for the country to survive the global competition. When we Look at the United States as an example, many employees of cutting-edge companies come from first-class universities that offer students an ideal environment to concentrate on studying. This clearly contributes to the advantages of the US. Seeing that, it is needless to say that we should grow competent workfoce and set out a circumstance where young generations can focus on studying without anxiety about money.

In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, I believe the trend that students have to do part-time work is undesirable.
