3. Money for art

There is a perspective that the governments should not give a financial aid to artistic industries, such as arts, music and theatre, in that they are not worth the money. I completely object to this statement and my reasons will be discussed in this essay.
First of all, it is clear that these cultual activities deeply connect to our identity and richness of lives. Owing to the variety of arts based on each history, people can know their own origin and where they came from. Also, it is not difficult to imagine that individuals can lead enjoyable and fulfilling lives due to the excellent works and shows produced by workers of creative segments. However, in modern society, some valuable activities of which are gradually fading out due to lack of money or the public interest. Provided that the governments do not sustain them, their cultural diversity would decline as well as enjoyment of citizens’ lives should be lost.
Furthermore, sophisticated artistic industries have great potentials to be a significant resource of foreign currencies. From this view, allocating funds to art geners is promising investments to make the country wealthier. For example, K-pop, which is kind of pop music originated in Korea, has now become extremely popular around the world. To make this situation, the government of Korea have been investing a sheer budget to related fields. it obviously exemplifies that art can bring a great return to the country.
In conclusion, by the reasons mentioned above, I believe that helping arts is definitely worthwhile providing money.
