【Musique】LIVE : Grand Bal du 04 Janvier 2025 avec Youssou N’Dour et le Super Étoile
Dance is an important part of our culture, a way to express the joy of life. It is life itself. For example, there are sad songs about the death of a person. But with the addition of dance, the sadness can be transformed into joy.
The griot has played an important role in Senegalese dance. Nowadays, the Internet, television, and radio are widely available, but until then, griots communicated world events through dance and song. In the old days, grios also played the role of mediators between countries at war or people fighting each other. I have sung songs and created dances to be a modern-day griot. The role of the grio is the same today as it has always been.
The pure,soaring sound of the voice of Youssou N’Dour is as instantly recognizable and as unique as those major performers from the Western classical opera tradition – yet his is the voice of Africa,in particular,of Senegal,where he continues to be based.
N’Dour was born in a “griot” family; a “griot” traditionally being a story teller,handing down Senegalese folk lore and music. Despite his father’s opposition,he started performing when he was only 12. He says,“In those days,to become a musician was frowned upon. But I was fascinated by music”.
He initially joined The Star Band,but in 1979,he formed his own band,“Étoile de Dakar”,renamed the “Super Étoile de Dakar” in 1981,and became a nationally recognized figure,one of Senegal’s first pop stars.
When he first started performing,Latin and Cuban music were hugely popular,but he wanted to create his own sound,mixing popular West African music with other ethnic music and western pop music – creating his own version of the Senegalese popular music,Mbalax.
In the early 80s,N’Dour’s talents came to the attention of Western musicians and he was invited to collaborate with some of the leading figures from the popular music world such as Paul Simon,Peter Gabriel and Sting. They recorded with N’Dour,creating a new,more global music,often called ‘World Music’. N’Dour’s own view on the idea of World Music is that,“Music has no frontiers. I’ll never,never have a frontier. The essence of music never changes wherever it’s performed.”
In this period he also recorded one of his best known international successes,7 Seconds,with Neneh Cherry – a song that introduced him to a huge global audience.
As a “modern griot,” he always tries to create a dialogue with society. His faith and political beliefs are very much the guiding force behind many of his lyrics.
His 2004 album,Egypt,perhaps being one of the best examples of this connection between the lyrics and music – its content being about Senegal and Islamic Faith. He says,“I feel that Egypt was and will always remain an album that is exceptional.”
In 2007,he made a documentary film,Youssou N’Dour: Return to Gorée,looking at the roots of black music,such as jazz and the blues. He followed this with a concert tour to America and Europe that started from and ended in the Island of Gorée,an offshore island near Dakar which was a center of the slave trade. “The slaves who left Gorée took their music with them to America and elsewhere,be it jazz or Cuban music”.
Over the years,he has actively involved himself with major social issues. For two and half years,he stepped back from music to concentrate on politics,running as a candidate in the 2012 Senegalese presidential election. He has established a Foundation to fight against malaria and AIDS and additionally runs a television company,radio networks and his own record label and recording studios.
ユッスー・ンドゥール (Youssou N’Dour) のピュアで高らかな歌声は、西洋のクラシック・オペラの伝統を受け継ぐ大物演奏家たちと同様、一目でそれとわかるユニークなものだ。
「 グリオ」とは伝統的にセネガルの民間伝承や音楽を伝える語り部のことである。父親の反対にもかかわらず、彼はわずか12歳で演奏活動を始めた「当時、ミュージシャンになることは嫌われていました。でも、私は音楽に魅了されていました。」
当初はスター・バンドに所属していたが、1979年に自身のバンド 「エトワール・ドゥ・ダカール 」を結成、1981年には 「スーパー・エトワール・ドゥ・ダカール 」と改名し、セネガル初のポップスターとして全国的に知られるようになった。
この時期、彼はネネ・チェリーと世界的な成功を収めた『7 Seconds』をレコーディングした。「現代のグリオ」として、彼は常に社会との対話を試みている。彼の信仰と政治的信念は、多くの歌詞の指針となっている。
2004年のアルバム『エジプト』は、セネガルとイスラムの信仰をテーマにした、歌詞と音楽の結びつきを示す最良の例のひとつだろう。彼は言う。「エジプトは昔もこれからも、特別なアルバムであり続けるだろう 」と。
2007年、彼はドキュメンタリー映画『Youssou N'Dour』を制作した: ジャズやブルースといった黒人音楽のルーツに迫るドキュメンタリー映画『Return to Gorée』を制作。ダカール近郊のゴレ島は奴隷貿易の中心地だった。「ゴレ島を出た奴隷たちは、ジャズやキューバ音楽など、自分たちの音楽をアメリカや他の国に持ち帰った。」
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