Tetsuro Kubota, Yuji Harashima, Haruka Mori, Tsuyoshi Ishida, Kaori Harasawa, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Project Design Patterns: Patterns for Designing Architectural Projects," in the 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016).
Yuma Akado, Shiori Shibata, Ayaka Yoshikawa, Akimitsu Sano, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Cooking Patterns: A Pattern Language for Everyday Cooking," in the 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016).
Alice Sasabe, Taichi Isaku, Tomoki Kaneko, Emi Kubonaga, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Parenting Patterns: A Pattern Language for Growing with your Child," in the 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016).
Takashi Iba, Ayaka Yoshikawa, Yuma Akado, Alice Sasabe, and Tomoki Kaneko. 2016. “Utilizing Pattern Languages for Enhancing Creativity in Everyday Life,” Focus Group, in the 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016), Taipei, Taiwan.
Takashi Iba, Ayaka Yoshikawa, Tomoki Kaneko, Norihiko Kimura, and Tetsuro Kubota. 2016. "Pattern Objects: Making Patterns Visible in Daily Life," in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs 2016), published in Matthäus P. Zylka, Hauke Fuehres, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, and Peter A. Gloor (eds), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation: Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference, Springer, pp.105-112.
Takashi Iba. 2016. “Sociological Perspective of the Creative Society," in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs 2016), published in Matthäus P. Zylka, Hauke Fuehres, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, and Peter A. Gloor (eds), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation: Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference, Springer, pp.29-42.
Norihiko Kimura, Hitomi Shimizu, Iroha Ogo, Shuichiro Ando, Takashi Iba. 2016. “Design Patterns for Creative Education Programs,” in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference 2016 (COINs16), published in Zylka, M.P., Fuehres, H., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Gloor, P.A. (Eds.), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation Springer International Publishing, pp.95-1038.
Iroha Ogo, Satomi Oi, Jei-Hee Hong, Takashi Iba. 2016. “Creating Community Language for a Collaborative Innovation Community," in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs 2016), published in Matthäus P. Zylka, Hauke Fuehres, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, and Peter A. Gloor (eds), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation: Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference, Springer, pp.pp.21-28
Yuma Akado, Masafumi Nagai, Taichi Isaku, Takashi Iba. 2016. “Workshop Generator Patterns: A Supporting Tool for Creating New Values in a Workshop,” in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs 2016), published in Matthäus P. Zylka, Hauke Fuehres, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, and Peter A. Gloor (eds), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation: Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference, Springer, pp.87-94.
Taichi Isaku, Takashi Iba. 2016. “From Chefs to Kitchen Captains: A Leader Figure for Collaborative Networks in the Kitchen,” in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference 2016 (COINs16), published in Zylka, M.P., Fuehres, H., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Gloor, P.A. (Eds.), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation Springer International Publishing, pp.113-121.
Makoto Okada, Yoichiro Igarashi, Hirokazu Harada, Masahiko Shoji, Takehito Tokuda, Takashi Iba. 2016. “ADR Processes for Creating Strategic Networks for Social Issues: Dementia Projects,” in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference 2016 (COINs16), p published in Zylka, M.P., Fuehres, H., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Gloor, P.A. (Eds.), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation Springer International Publishing, pp.163-171
Takashi Iba, Makoto Okada, and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2016, “Idea Generation Workshop for Social Innovations with Pattern Languages,” Workshop, in the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs 2016), Rome, Italy.
Masafumi Nagai, Taichi Isaku, Yuma Akado, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Generator Patterns: A Pattern Language for Collaborative Inquiry," in the EuroPLoP '16: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2016), Article No.29, ACM, pp.1–36.
Ayaka Yoshikawa, Yuma Akado, Shiori Shibata, and Takashi Iba. 2016. “Cooking Life Patterns: A Pattern Language for Enjoying: Cooking in Everyday Life,” in the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2016).
Takashi Iba and Taichi Isaku. 2016. "A Pattern Language for Creating Pattern Languages: 364 Patterns for Pattern Mining, Writing, and Symbolizing," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.11, ACM, pp.1–63.
Alice Sasabe, Tomoki Kaneko, Kaho Takahashi, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Pattern Mining Patterns: A Search for the Seeds of Patterns." in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.12, ACM, pp.1–16
Shiori Shibata, Sakurako Kogure, Hitomi Shimizu, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Pattern Naming Patterns: Symbolizing the Content and Value by Expressions to Facilitate Intuitive Comprehension," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.1, ACM, pp.1–14.
Haruka Mori, Norihiko Kimura, Shuichiro Ando, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Pattern Concierge: Using Push and Pull Patterns to Help Clients Design their Future," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.21, ACM, pp.1–15.
Takashi Iba and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2016. "Understanding Functions of Pattern Language with Vygotsky's Psychology: Signs, the Zone of Proximal Development, and Predicate in Inner Speech," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.10, ACM, pp.1–13.
Arisa Kamada, Rina Kato, Yuma Akado, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Natural Living Patterns: A Pattern Language for Ethical and Sustainable Life," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.19, ACM, pp.1–13.
Hideo Miura, Takashi Iba, and Eri Shimomukai. 2016. "Cross-Border Leadership Patterns: A Pattern Language for Social Intrapreneurs at the Early Stages," in the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016).
Yuma Akado, Norihiko Kimura, Tsuyoshi Ishida, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Fundamental Behavioral Properties: Part 3: Extending the Theory of Centers for Pattern Language 3.0," in the PLoP '16: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Article No.4, pp.1–22.
Norihiko Kimura, Yuma Akado, Ayaka Yoshikawa, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Creating Future Vision of the Creative Society Where Pattern Languages are Used," Focus Group, in the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Illinois, USA.
Ayaka Yoshikawa, Tomoki Kaneko, Yuma Akado, Haruka Mori, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Pattern-Driven Idea Generation: Inventing New Supporting Systems for People with Dementia," Focus Group, in the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Illinois, USA.
Takashi Iba. 2016c. “Future Language for Collaborative Design,” in the PUARL2016 conference.
Takashi Iba and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2016. "Constructing the Philosophy of Pattern Language: From the Perspective of Pragmatism," in the PUARL2016 conference.
Haruka Mori, Yuji Harashima, Tsuyoshi Ishida, Ayaka Yoshikawa, and Takashi Iba. 2016. "Project Design Patterns: Sharing the Practices in Successful Projects," in the PUARL2016 conference.
Taichi Isaku, Takashi Iba. 2016. "The Production of Dishes: A System of Cooking in the Inclusive City," in the PUARL2016 conference.
Takashi Iba. 2016. “Concept Language for Area Prevention of Disasters: The Case of The Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho (OMY) District,” Poster, in the PUARL2016 Conference.
Norihiko Kimura, Yuma Akado, Takashi Iba. 2016. “The Future Vision of Productive City: Where Pattern Languages Are Used,” Poster, in the PUARL Conference 2016, USA.
Tomoki Kaneko, Ayaka Yoshikawa, Takashi Iba. 2016. “Dementia Friendly Communities with a Pattern Language for Living Well with Dementia,” Poster, in the PUARL Conference 2016.
Takashi Iba, Aya Matsumoto, Arisa Kamada, Nao Tamaki, Tomoki Kaneko, and Makoto Okada. 2016. “A Pattern Language for Living Well with Dementia: Words for a Journey,” in the International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, Volume 4, No. 1/2, pp.85-112.
井庭崇研究室. 2016. 「ライトニング・ワークショップ:パターン・ランゲージ活用100連発」, SFC Open Research Forum 2016 (ORF2016).
関根 牧子, 小村 晃雅, 森 祐美子, 井庭 崇, +花王株式会社・井庭研究室プロジェクトメンバー. 2016. 「“子育てをしながら心豊かに働く”ためのヒント:パターン・ランゲージによる対話と発想」, SFC Open Research Forum 2016 (ORF2016).
鈴木 寛, 伊藤 大輔, 米澤 貴史, 金井 達亮, 束原 和郎, 井庭 崇. 2016. 「主体性と創造性を引き出す教育改革: パターン・ランゲージによるアクティブ・ラーニング先進事例」, SFC Open Research Forum 2016 (ORF2016).
池田 拓司, 岩波 純生, 宇都宮 嘉宏, 笠井 崇, 猿渡 敬志, 中川 敬文, 井庭 崇. 2016. 「個人のコツを組織の力に: パターン・ランゲージ3.0のビジネス活用最新事例」, SFC Open Research Forum 2016 (ORF2016).
鎌田 安里紗. 2017. 「気づきのメディアとしてのパターン・ランゲージ:Ethical Lifestyle Patternsの制作とその活用」, 修士論文, 2016年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.
Taichi Isaku. 2017. "A Cooking Language: Tool for Cooking in the Creative Society," Masterʼs Thesis, Academic Year 2016, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University.
Takashi Iba and Heizo Takenaka. 2017. "Policy Language: A Pattern Language for Designing Public Policy," in the 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2017).
Yuma Akado and Takashi Iba. 2017. "The Creation of Style in Generator: An Investigation Through Behavioral Properties," in the 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2017).
Takashi Iba, Masafumi Nagai, Reiko Asano, Tsuyoshi Ishida, Misa Eguchi, and Airi Matsumiya. 2017. "Open dialogue patterns: a pattern language for collaborative problem dissolving," in the VikingPLoP '17: Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program, Article No.7, ACM, pp.1–11.
Takashi Iba. 2017. “Generations of Pattern Language: Architecture, Software, and Human Actions,” Keynote, in the MiniPLoP, Programming 2017 conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Takashi Iba. and Joseph Yoder. 2017. “Pattern Mining Workshop,” Workshop, in the MiniPLoP 2017, Programming 2017 conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Takashi Iba, Makoto Okada, Tomoki Kaneko. 2017. “Words for a Journey: Collaboration Toward Dementia Friendly Society" in the 32nd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI2017).
井庭 崇. 2017.「パターンランゲージ」, 人工知能学会 編, 『人工知能学大事典』, 共立出版, pp.1084-1086.
Masafumi Nagai, Reiko Asano, Misa Eguchi, Takashi Iba. 2017. “Basic Patterns for Dialogical Meeting: Open Dialogue Patterns, Part II” in the Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP2017).
Takashi Iba. 2017. "Pattern Language 3.0: Sharing the Art of Living Well with Everyday Creativity," Professor Promotion Thesis, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University.
井庭 崇. 2017. 「創造的な学びを促すパターン・ランゲージ」, 基調講演, PCカンファレンス, コンピュータ利用教育学会(CIEC).
井庭 崇. 2017. 「対話ワークショップ:創造的な職員研修・FD体験!アクティブ・ラーニング・パターンによる対話」, PCカンファレンス, コンピュータ利用教育学会(CIEC).
Takashi Iba. 2017. "Peer Learning via Dialogue with a Pattern Language," in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp.197-209.
Takashi Iba, Masafumi Nagai, Tsuyoshi Ishida. 2017. “Open Dialogue as Coupling of Psychic, Social and Creative Systems,” in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp. 223–235.
Masafumi Nagai and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Using Open Dialogue Patterns to Improve Conversation in Daily Life," in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp. 211–222.
Norihiko Kimura, Haruka Mori, Yuzuki Oka, Wataru Murakami, Rio Nitta, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "A Method of Generating Societal Vision Based on the Social Systems Theory," in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp. 183–193.
Konomi Munakata, Shuichiro Ando, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Story Writing for Creative Revising of Ideas," in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp. 237–244.
Namino Sakama, Haruka Mori, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Creative Systems Analysis of Design Thinking Process," in the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs17), published in Grippa, F., Leitão, J., Gluesing, J., Riopelle, K., Gloor, P. (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks, Springer, 2018, pp. 103–113.
Takashi Iba. 2017. “Pattern Languages as New Tools for Learning in the Creative Society,” Keynote, in the Symposium on the Future of Learning, Vienna, Austria.
Ayaka Yoshikawa, Konomi Munakata, Haruka Mori, Hitomi Shimizu, Tomoki Kaneko, Akiko Kumasaki, Taichi Isaku, and Takashi Iba. 2017. “Pattern Mining Workshop: How to Find Patterns from Experiences,” Workshop, in the Symposium on the Future of Learning, Vienna, Austria.
Takashi Iba and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2017. "Illuminating Egoless Creation with Theories of Autopoietic Systems," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.152-178.
Takashi Iba, Mayu Ueno, and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2017. "Pattern Song: Auditory Expression For Pattern Languages," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.560-579.
Iroha Ogo, Takashi Iba, Kimie Ito, and Seiko Miyakawa. 2017. "Ways of Everyday World-Making: Living well with Working and Parenting," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.490-508.
Takashi Iba and Yoshihiro Utsunomiya. 2017. "Active Learning Patterns for Teachers," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.216-240.
Takashi Iba and Tomoko Kubo. 2017. "Life Transition Patterns: A Pattern Language for Shaping Your Future," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.580-599.
Ayaka Yoshikawa, Hitomi Shimizu, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Cook-That-Dish Patterns for Tacos: A Tool for Collaborative Cooking," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.600-617.
Norihiko Kimura, Yujun Wakashin, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Patterns for Community Innovation by Empowering Indifferent People: Practice of Sabae City Office JK-section," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.478-488.
Kazuo Takiguchi, Naohiro Kitamura, Makoto Okada, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Welfare Pattern Languages by a Local Government," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.618-648.
Tomoki Kaneko and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Patterns for Utilizing Patterns towards Dementia-Friendly Communities," in the World Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC 2017), published in Richard Sickinger, Peter Baumgartner, and Tina Gruber-Mücke (eds), Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change: A Comprehensive Perspective of Current Pattern Research and Practice, Edition Donau-Universitat Krems, 2018, pp.318-333.
Takashi Iba, Ayaka Yoshikawa, and Konomi Munakata. 2017. "Philosophy and Methodology of Clustering in Pattern Mining: Japanese Anthropologist Jiro Kawakita's KJ Method," in the PLoP '17: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2017), Article No.12, ACM, pp.1-11.
Tsuyoshi Ishida, Masafumi Nagai, and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Structure Building in Creating a Pattern Language: A Case Study on the Creation Process in Open Dialogue Patterns," in the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2017).
Aimi Burgoyne and Takashi Iba. 2017. "Motivating Self-Improvement Methods to Stay Motivated," in the PLoP '17: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2017), Article No.8, pp.1–9.
Chris Richardson, Richard Gabriel, Takashi Iba, Joseph Yoder. 2017. "Microservices Pattern Mining," Focus Group, in the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2017).
井庭 崇, 渡辺 泰. 2017. "Life with Reading: 読書のコツや楽しみ方を伝える27個のことば", 図書館総合展.
井庭崇研究室. 2017. 「Naturality → Growth / Chaos → Generation / System → Wholeness」, 展示, SFC Open Research Forum 2017 (ORF2017) .
斎藤 環 × 井庭 崇 × 長井 雅史. 2017.「オープンダイアローグについての対話:パターン・ランゲージによるアプローチ」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2017 (ORF2017) .
宮川 聖子, 井庭 崇, 安藤 嵩一郎, 宗像このみ. 2017. 「家族を育むスタイル・ランゲージ-日々の世界のつくりかた」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2017(ORF2017).
宇都宮 嘉宏 × 米田 謙三 × 渡辺 貴裕 × 井庭 崇. 2017. 「アクティブ・ラーニング・パターン《教師編》で進化・深化する授業設計とコミュニケーション」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2017 (ORF2017).
牧野 百男 × 小川 克彦 × 井庭 崇 × 若新 雄純 × 木村 紀彦. 2017.「「ゆるいまちづくり」のイノベーション:鯖江市役所JK課とパターン・ランゲージ」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2017 (ORF2017).