



  • 長井 雅史. 2018. 「つながりをもたらす対話の実践支援:オープンダイアローグ・パターンの作成と活用」, 修士論文, 2017年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.

  • Haruka Mori, Yuki Kawabe, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Patterns We Live By: Pattern App as a Platform to Familiarize Pattern Languages," in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • 井庭 崇. 2018. 「パターン・ランゲージによる無我の創造のメカニズム:オートポイエーシスのシステム理論による理解」, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • 井庭 崇, 宗像 このみ. 2018.「『全体性のたまご』によるデザイン技法:全体から分化させる ワークショップとプレゼンテーションのつくりかた」, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • 尾郷 彩葉, 木村 紀彦, 井庭 崇, 渡辺 泰, 2018. 「創造的読書のパターン・ランゲージ:本を読むことについての言葉」, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • 井庭 崇, 野崎 琴未, 下田 裕介, 宗像 このみ. 2018. 「多様なあり方・取り組み方を言語化するスタイル・ランゲージ」, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • 金子 智紀, 岡田 誠, 井庭 崇. 2018. 「旅のことばの活用支援」, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018).

  • Tomoki Kaneko, Yusuke Shimoda, Yuma Ozaki, Kazuki Toba, Konomi Munakata, Kotomi Nozaki, and Takashi Iba. 2018. “Chatting Workshop with using Style Language for Family Lifestyle,” Workshop, in the 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018), Tokyo, Japan.

  • 野澤祥子, 井庭崇, 天野美和子, 若林陽子, 宮田まり子, 秋田喜代美. 2018.「保育者の実践知を可視化・共有化する方法としての『パターン・ランゲージ』の可能性」, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第57巻, pp.419-449

  • Takashi Iba and Konomi Munakata. 2018. "Wholeness Egg: Methodology of Designing a 'Living' Workshop by Differentiating a Whole," in the EuroPLoP '18: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2018), Article No.2, ACM, pp.1–7.

  • Yuki Kawabe, Haruka Mori, Aimi Burgoyne, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Pattern Experience Chart Generator Function on a Pattern Language Platform Patterns We Live By," in the EuroPLoP '18: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2018), Article No.28, ACM, pp.1–6.

  • Arisa Kamada, Konomi Munakata, Mahito Kamada, Tomohiro Ichinose, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Promoting and Supporting Biodiversity Conservation Activities with the Pattern Language Approach: A Pattern Language for Collaborative Activities for Biodiversity Conservation," in the 8th International Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference (COINs 2018), published in Yang Song, Francesca Grippa, Peter A. Gloor, João Leitão (eds), Collaborative Innovation Networks: Latest Insights from Social Innovation, Education, and Emerging Technologies Research, Springer, 2019, pp 201–213.

  • Konomi Munakata, Rio Nitta, Kotomi Nozaki, Chiaki Sano, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "15 Design Patterns for Pattern Illustrating," in the PLoP '18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Article No.4, ACM, pp.1–14.

  • Arisa Kamada, Rioja Kuroda, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Supporting the Practice of Pattern Language Using Instagram: A Research Using the Ethical Lifestyle Patterns," in the PLoP '18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Article No.11, ACM, pp.1–14.

  • Takashi Iba, Aimi Burgoyne, Ayaka Yoshikawa, Fumie Niwai, Norihiko Kimura, and Yasushi Watanabe. 2018. "Life with Reading: A Pattern Language for Creative Reading," in the PLoP '18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Article No.23, ACM, pp.1–18.

  • Rio Nitta, Wataru Murakami, Yasushi Watanabe, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Supporting Life with Reading: 9 Patterns from a Pattern Language for Creative Reading," in the PLoP '18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Article No.5, ACM, pp.1–13.

  • Karin Iwata, Hinako Ando, Yuki Kawabe, Takashi Maeno, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Patterns for Well-Being in Life: Supporting Life Design based on 4 Factors of Happiness," in the PLoP '18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Article No.21, ACM, pp.1–15.

  • Takashi Iba, Kazuki Toba, Kotomi Nozaki, Misaki Yamakage, and Sakie Namiki. 2018. “Style language: creating words for sharing diverse ways of doing,” in the PLoP ‘18: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018). Article No.13, ACM, pp.1-12.

  • Tomoki Kaneko, Tadamichi Shimogawara, Kazuki Toba, Yuka Banno, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Pattern Language Meets VR: Virtual Experience and Dialogue with Patterns for Living Well with Dementia,” Focus Group, in the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Oregon, USA.

  • Kazuki Toba, Shuichiro Ando, Rioha Kuroda, Tomoki Kaneko, Aimi Burgoyne, and Takashi Iba. 2018. "Style Writing Workshop: Creating a Style Language for family lifestyle," Focus Group, in the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2018), Oregon, USA.

  • Takashi Iba. 2018. "The Future of Pattern Language: Soft Social Infrastructure to Allow Freedom of Creation in the Creative Society," in the PUARL2018 Conference, Oregon, USA.

  • Takashi Iba and Konomi Munakata. 2018. "Christopher Alexander’s Thought and Eastern Philosophy: Zen, Mindfulness and Egoless Creation with a Pattern Language," in the PUARL2018 Conference, Oregon, USA.

  • Norihiko Kimura and Takashi Iba. 2018. “Pattern Language 3.0 as Sociological Functional Method,” in the PUARL2018 Conference, Oregon, USA.

  • Konomi Munakata and Takashi Iba. 2018. “Wholeness Egg: Designing a Living Workshop: In Light of Christopher Alexander’s Design Theory,” Workshop, in the PUARL2018 Conference, Oregon, USA.

  • Tomoki Kaneko, Tadamichi Shimogawara, Yuka Banno, Kazuki Toba, and Takashi Iba. 2018. “Reality Sharing with Virtual Reality and Pattern Language: A New Approach Toward an Inclusive Society,” Workshop, in the PUARL2018 Conference, Oregon, USA.

  • 井庭崇研究室. 2018.「フューチャー・アイデア・マイニング:創造実践を支えるパターン・ランゲージの新テーマ募集!」, 展示, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF2018).

  • 井庭 崇, 鈴木 寛, 石戸 奈々子, 市川 力. 2018. 「クリエイティブ・ラーニング:次の(次の)社会に向けた創造的な学びと教育」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF2018).

  • 山下 雄生, 田村 学, 鵜飼 力也, 井庭 崇. 2018. 「探究PLカード – 創造的な探究のためのパターン・ランゲージ: 探究学習の振り返りを通して、深い学びを促進する」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF2018).

  • 宮川 聖子, 森 祐美子, 阪口 千春, 田中 智穂, 井庭 崇. 2018. 「子育てしながら自分らしく働く:パターンランゲージ『日々の世界のつくり方』、『家族を育むスタイル・ランゲージ』の活用報告会」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF2018).


  • 井庭 崇. 2019. 「認知症とともによりよく生きるためのパターン・ランゲージ『旅のことば』の活用事例」, 教育講演, 日本老年看護学会第23回学術集会, 老年看護学, 第23巻, 第2号, pp.12-21.

  • 木村 紀彦. 2019. 「「おしゃべりな創造」の実践モデルの構築:創造システム理論と社会システム理論にもとづくコラボレーション研究」, 修士論文, 慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科 2018年度.

  • Takashi Iba, Haruka Mori, and Ayaka Yoshikawa. 2019. “A Pattern Language for Designing Innovative Projects: Project Design Patterns,” in the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol.36, No.4, pp.491-518.

  • Takashi Iba and Konomi Munakata. 2019. "Pattern Language and the Future of Education in Light of Constructivist Learning Theories, Part 1: Consideration with Generic Epistemology by Jean Piaget," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.32, ACM, pp.1–7.

  • Takashi Iba and Aimi Burgoyne. 2019. "Pattern Language and the Future of Education in Light of Constructivist Learning Theories, Part 2: the Social Constructivism of Lev Vygotsky," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.33, ACM, pp.1–11.

  • Konomi Munakata, Tomoki Kaneko and Takashi Iba. 2019. "Pattern Illustrating Workshop," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.39, ACM, pp.1–3.

  • Haruka Iba and Takashi Iba. 2019. "A Pattern Language for Improving Foreign Language Skills When Studying Abroad," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.13, ACM, pp.1–9.

  • Karin Iwata, Hinako Ando, and Takashi Iba. 2019. "Patterns for Well-Being in Life: 9 Patterns for Being with Others," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.24, ACM, pp.1–8.

  • Yuka Banno, Tomoki Kaneko, and Takashi Iba. 2019. "A Proposal of Modular-Structured Pattern Language: based on Pattern Language for End of Life Care," in the EuroPLoP '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2019), Article No.18, ACM, pp.1–6.

  • Ryusei Murasawa, Misaki Yamakage, Rioja Kuroda, Yumiko Shimokawa, Aimi Burgoyne, Hiromu Kasahara, and Takashi Iba. 2019. “A style language for enjoying Japan,” in the PLoP ‘19: Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2019). Article No.7, ACM, pp.1-8.

  • Takashi Iba and Aimi Burgoyne. 2019. "Pattern Language and the Future of Education in Light of Constructivist Learning Theories, Part 3: John Dewey's Concept of Pragmatism," in the PLoP '19: Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2019), Article No.19, ACM, pp.1–8.

  • Takashi Iba and Karin Iwata. 2019. "Pattern Language and the Future of Education in Light of Constructivist Learning Theories, Part 4: Constructionism of Seymour Papert," in the PLoP '19: Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2019), Article No.20, ACM, pp.1–7.

  • Ryohei Suzuki, Miwane Umewaka, Yumiko Shimokawa, and Takashi Iba. 2019. "A Pattern Language for Composing Film Music: Extracted from the Work of a Japanese Film Music Composer," in the PLoP '19: Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2019), Article No.9, ACM, pp.1–12.

  • Hinako Ando, Karin Iwata, Rei Kono, Kohki Ogawa, Takashi Maeno, and Takashi Iba. 2019. "Patterns for Well-Being in Life: 9 Patterns for Being in the World," in the PLoP '19: Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2019), Article No.8, ACM, pp.1–15.

  • Yuki Kawabe and Takashi Iba. 2019. "An Ecosystem for Collaborative Pattern Language Acquisition," in the 9th International Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference (COINs 2019), published in Aleksandra Przegalinska, Francesca Grippa, Peter A. Gloor (eds), Digital Transformation of Collaboration: Proceedings of the 9th International COINs Conference, Springer, 2020, pp.295-304.

  • Takashi Iba. 2019. “Creating Pattern Languages for Creating a Future where We Can Live Well,” Keynote, in the Leading Conference on Strategic Enterprise Design: INTERSECTION19, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • 井庭崇研究室. 2019. 「よりよく生きる支援のパターン・ランゲージ / 幸せに生きるためのパターン・ランゲージ / クリエイティブ・ラーニング図書館」, 展示, SFC Open Research Forum 2019 (ORF 2019).

  • 井庭 崇, 阿部 有里, 鎌田 安里紗, 長井 雅史, 金子 智紀. 2019. 「パターン・ランゲージの使い方徹底解説 & 体験ワークショップ」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2019 (ORF 2019).

  • 井庭 崇, 熊坂 賢次, 田中 浩也, 石川 初, 市川 力, 小阪 裕司, ACCI BABA, 小島 希世子. 2019. 「クリエイティブ・ラーニング(創造的な学び)とは - 考え方と実践事例」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2019 (ORF 2019).

  • 田中 浩也, 井庭 崇, 馬場 淳, 小林 正忠, 今村 久美, 渡邉 康太郎, 松尾 卓哉. 2019.「S F C スピリッツのこれから」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum 2019 (ORF 2019).

  • 井庭 崇, 「開かれた対話の心得:オープンダイアローグのパターン・ランゲージを体験する」, 日本コーチ協会 第21回年次大会.
