金子 智紀. 2020. 「最期まで自分らしく生きることを支える介護のパターン・ランゲージ」, 修士論文, 慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科 2019年度.
Yumiko Shimokawa, Misaki Yamakage, Natsuki Takahashi, and Takashi Iba. 2020. "28 Important Knacks to Improve Patterns," in the EuroPLoP '20: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2020), Article No.21, ACM, pp.1–8.
Takashi Iba and Konomi Munakata. 2020. "Wholeness Egg II: A Design Technique Applied in Everyday Life," in the EuroPLoP '20: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2020), Article No.10, ACM, pp.1–10.
Takashi Iba, Miho Masai, Yuuri Abe, and Yuji Kosaka. 2020. "Patterns for Building Customer Relationships in a Pattern Language for Value-Creation Marketing," in the EuroPLoP '20: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2020), Article No.20, ACM, pp.1–12.
Haruka Iba and Takashi Iba. 2020. "Patterns for Gaining Language as Native Speakers Do: A Pattern Language for Improving Foreign Language Skills when Studying Abroad, Part 2," in the EuroPLoP '20: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2020), Article No.23, ACM, pp.1–7.
Miwane Umewaka, Ryohei Suzuki, Keibun Nakagawa, and Takashi Iba. 2020. "Omotenashi Design Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Hospitality," in the 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020).
Takashi Iba, Miho Masai, Yuuri Abe, and Yuji Kosaka. 2020. "Patterns for Motivating Customers in a Pattern Language for Value-Creation Marketing," in the 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020).
Chiaki Sano, Yuki Kawabe, Rioja Kuroda, and Takashi Iba. 2020. "Taste Language for Taste Centered Cooking: 14 Patterns for Japanese Soup Stock," in the 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020).
Misaki Yamakage, Sakie Namiki, Sawami Shibata, Kiyoka Hayashi, Takashi Iba, and Mitsuhiro Yamazaki. 2020. "A Pattern Language for Creating a City with Natural, Local and Creative Elements: Learned from Portland, Oregon," in the PUARL + Building Beauty 2020 Conference.
Takashi Iba. 2020. "Support for Living Better throughout the COVID-19 Situation Using Pattern Languages: An Attempt at Pattern Language Remix in an Emergency," in the PLoP '20: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2020), Article No.17, ACM, pp.1–30.
Takashi Iba, Miho Masai, Yuuri Abe, and Yuji Kosaka. 2020. "Patterns for Learning through Practicing in a Pattern Language for Value-Creation Marketing," in the PLoP '20: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2020), Article No.15, ACM, pp.1–20.
井庭崇研究室, 「ナチュラルにクリエイティブに生きる社会へのシフト」, セッション(オンデマンド映像), SFC Open Research Forum 2019 (ORF 2020).
岩田 華林. 2021.「自分なりの幸せをつくることの支援:パターン・ランゲージによる「内側からの変化」を促すアプローチ」, 修士論文, 慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科 2020年度.
Takashi Iba, Yuka Banno, and Hinako Ando. 2021. "Principles of Pattern Illustration Design," in the EuroPLoP '21: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2021), Article No.31, ACM, pp.1–25
Misaki Yamakage, Miku Minami, Sora Hatori, Takashi Iba, and Mitsuki Saito. 2021. "Natural & Creative Living Patterns, Part 1, Patterns for Creative Living: Patterns for Creative Living," in the EuroPLoP '21: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2021), Article No.25, ACM, pp.1–9.
Kiyoka Hayashi, Sawami Shibata, Erika Inoue, Sae Adachi, and Takashi Iba. 2021. "Online Education Patterns, Part 1: Patterns for Linking Separate Worlds," in the EuroPLoP '21: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2021), Article No.26, ACM, pp.1–16.
Takashi Iba. 2021. "A Practical Guide on Pattern Writing for Pattern Languages of Practices," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Takashi Iba. 2021. "Systematization of Patterns: How to Craft a Pattern Language as a Whole," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Takashi Iba. 2021. "Contrast within a Pattern: Capturing a Gap between Problematic and Good Consequences," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Yuki Kawabe and Takashi Iba. 2021. "Pattern Language Online, Qualitative-Data-Based Pattern Language Creation System," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Yuki Kawabe, Takashi Iba, Yuya Oka, and Kotaro Chiba. 2021. "Start-up Patterns: A Pattern Language for Developing Enterprise to Create the Future," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Sae Adachi, Sawami Shibata, Erika Inoue, Kiyoka Hayashi, and Takashi Iba. 2021. "Online Education Patterns, Part 2: Patterns for Creating a New Form of Learning," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
Sora Hatori and Takashi Iba. 2021. "Natural & Creative Living Patterns, Part 2: Patterns for Natural Living," in the 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021).
井庭 崇. 2021. 「創造社会における創造の美:クリストファー・アレグザンダーと柳宗悦を手がかりとして」, 宇野 常寛編, モノノメ, 創刊号, PLANETS, pp.198-221
鈴木 崚平. 2022. 「音楽作曲のパターン・ランゲージ:映画音楽作曲家・渡邊崇氏の制作活動における型の探究」, 修士論文, 2021年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.
川邊 悠紀. 2022. 「パターン・ランゲージ作成システムの構築 自分たちの道具を自分たちでつくる」, 修士論文, 2021年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.
新⽥ 莉⽣. 2022. 「ワクワクする⼈⽣の育て⽅のパターン・ランゲージ」, 修士論文, 2021年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.
梅若 美和音. 2022. 「道を極めることのパターン・ランゲージ:能楽に受け継がれてきた教えの探究」, 修士論文, 2021年度, 慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科.
Ryohei Suzuki, Takashi Watanabe, and Takashi Iba. 2022. "Music Composition Patterns: A Pattern Language for Touching Music," in the EuroPLoP '22: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2022), Article No.31, ACM, pp.1–11.
Takako Kanai, Mizuki Ota, Aoi Imai, and Takashi Iba. 2022. "Class Design for Junior High School Students Using Pattern Language: A Case Study of the Practice at Nichihara Junior High School," in the EuroPLoP '22: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2022), Article No.11, ACM, pp.1–14.
井庭 崇. 2022. 「本質観取におけるアブダクションと質的帰納」, 本質学研究, 第11号, pp.26-49.
山野 大星, 小林 猛, 井庭 崇. 2022. 「住宅設計課題におけるパターン・ランゲージを用いた評価作成と指導の効果」, 日本教育工学会論文誌, 第46巻, 第3号, pp. 493-507.
Takashi Iba, Tomoki Kaneko, Rio Nitta, and Erika Inoue. 2022. "Dialogue Workshop for Using Pattern Languages for Supporting Everyday Life," PLoPourri Workshop, in the 29th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2022), Online.
井庭崇研究室. 2022.「井庭崇研究室」, 展示, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF 2022).
井庭 崇, 山野 大星, 金子 智紀, 金井 貴佳子. 2022. 「教育現場でのパターン・ランゲージ活用の最新事例」, セッション, SFC Open Research Forum (ORF 2022).
Takashi Iba. 2022. "Improving the Quality of Creative Practices with Pattern Languages," Keynote, in the International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2022), Auckland, New Zealand, published in the SPLASH Companion 2022, ACM, p.4.