10th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, People, and Practices - Call for Submissions and Participation for AsianPLoP 2024Feb. 28 - Mar. 3, 2024 — Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
About AsianPLoP 2024
When people create something or implement a practice, they utilize knowledge learned from their past experiences. However, this knowledge of design and practice is usually confined to the individual, making it inaccessible to others. What if we could articulate this tacit knowledge and share it with others? This is where Pattern Languages come into play. Originally developed as a method to share knowledge about designing good towns and buildings, it was later used to share expertise in excellent software design. Subsequently, Pattern Languages have been created across a wide range of fields to articulate and share knowledge in professional and everyday practices.AsianPLoP is a conference held in Asia, bringing together people interested in articulating and sharing knowledge of good design and practices across various fields. During the conference, participants bring their short papers and exchange feedback and further ideas to improve each other’s work. This fosters a collaborative environment for facilitating the creation of pattern languages to empower individuals and communities for a better future. Your participation and contributions are highly anticipated, as we embark on this collective journey towards a better future.
Important Dates
Jan 7 (Sun): Paper submissions due
Jan 14 (Sun): Mini-Shepherding begins
Jan 21 (Sun): Deadline for focus group / workshop proposals
Jan 31 (Wed): Notification of acceptance
Feb 18 (Sun): conference-version draft due
Feb 28 (Wed): Conference Day 1 — Bootcamp & Welcome Reception
Feb 29 (Thu): Conference Day 2 — Writers' Workshops / Focus Groups
Mar 1 (Fri): Conference Day 3 — Writers' Workshops / Focus Groups
Mar 2 (Sat): Special Event — Eishin Campus Tour (Visit to the Eishin High School designed by Christopher Alexander)
Mar 3 (Sun): Social Event — Experiencing Tokyo with localsTBD: final version due (will be published on this website later)
Call for Submissions
1. Short Papers (Approximately 3 Pages or longer like 10 pages) in English or Japanese
We are seeking short papers related to patterns or pattern languages in specific fields, as well as essays on their application and creation methods. We welcome submissions not only of completed works but also those in progress or in the conceptual stage. Authors can use any format for their papers, whether in English or Japanese. We also welcome essays and other papers not in pattern form, such as essays, classical technical papers, or articles. Let’s appreciate and enhance each other’s work through participant interaction. In some special cases, larger papers could be accepted, but the authors should justify why they think this is the case when submitting the paper.
2. Focus Groups/Workshops
We invite proposals for focus groups that delve into specific themes, as well as workshops where participants create or experience something hands-on. The duration of these sessions is expected to be approximately one hour.
Submit your paper here!
Paper Submission Process
The core of AsianPLoP, as with all PLoP conferences, is the Writers’ Workshop. This workshop is where participants discuss improving their papers through constructive feedback. Before papers are accepted for a Writers’ Workshop, they are shepherded. Shepherding is an iterative process, where an experienced author discusses the submission with its authors to refine the paper prior to the conference. To be accepted into the Writers’ Workshop, papers must be improved through this shepherding process. As AsianPLoP 2024 is calling for Short Papers, the Shepherding process is simplified into 1-2 rounds, which we refer to as Mini-Shepherding for this conference. After the conference, authors have the opportunity to submit their final version, revised based on the comments received at the Writers’ Workshop. The submitted papers will be published on the Hillside website.
Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC), Keio University.
Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Registration Fee
1. Conference + Accommodation Package
About $1,000 (approximately 150,000 Yen)
Includes accommodation for 4 nights, conference participation, 2 lunches, and 1 banquet dinner.
2. Conference Participation Fee (General)
About $120 (approximately 18,000 Yen)
Includes conference participation, 2 lunches, and 1 banquet dinner.
3. Conference Participation Fee (Full-time "Non-working" Student)
About $100 (approximately 15,000 Yen)
Includes conference participation, 2 lunches, and 1 banquet dinner.
Note: The Bootcamp (Tutorial Lecture) is included in the Conference Participation fee. Train fare for visiting the Eishin Campus is not included.
We are looking forward to your submissions and participation at AsianPLoP 2024!
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Conference Co-chairs: Takashi Iba & Norihiko Kimura
Conference Co-chairs: Takashi Iba & Norihiko Kimura
Program Co-chairs: YC Cheng & Joe Yoder
Publication Co-chairs: Hiroki Ito & Christian Kohls
Advisory Chair: Hiro Washizaki
Bootcamp Leader: Joe Yoder & Takashi Iba
Game Master: Christian Kohls
Program Committee (PC)
Indu Alagarsamy (The New York Times, USA)
Acci Baba (Visual artist and Filmmaker, Germany)
Teddy Chen (TeddySoft, Taiwan)
Issho Fujita (Zen Priest, Japan)
Eduardo Guerra (Free University of Bozen-Bolzan, Italy)
Eiichi Hanyuda (Mamezou OS Holdings Co Ltd., Japan)
Kiro Harada (Attractor Inc., Japan)
Atsushi Hasegawa Musashino Art University & Concent, Inc., Japan)
Kenji Hiranabe (ESM, Inc., Japan)
Nien-Lin Hsueh (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
Chikara Ichikawa (General Incorporated Association MITSUKARU+WAKARU, Japan)
Hajime Ishikawa (Keio University, Japan)
Jung-Sing Jwo (Tunghai University, Taiwan)
Tomoki Kaneko (Keio Research Institute at SFC, Japan)
Jiwon Kim (Samsung Electronic, Korea)
Masatada ‘Seichu’ Kobayashi (Rakuten, Japan)
Shin-Jie Lee (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Chun-Feng Liao (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Shang-Pin Ma (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan)
Mary Lynn Manns (The University of North Carolina, USA)
Naoto Nakajima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Naoko Osada (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Tatsuya Sato (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Ittoku Tomano (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Takao Tomono (The Graduate School of Social Design, Japan)
Valentino Vranić (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia)
Michael Weiss (Carleton University, Canada)
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock (Wirfs-Brock Associates, USA)
Daisei Yamano (Nihon Kogakuin College of Hachioji)
Mitsuhiro Yamazaki (Mitsu Yamazaki, LLC, Japan)
Sponsored by: The Hillside Group
Supported by: Keio University SFC
In collaboration with Eishin Gakuen Higashino High School / CreativeShift, Inc.