
Reading materials for writing a graduation thesis (updated frequently)


1.Silvia, P. J. (2014). Write it up : practical strategies for writing and publishing journal articles (First ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

* 読みやすくてお勧め。論文初心者向け。

2.Huff, A. S. (2009). Designing research for publication. Los Angeles, Calif. ; London: SAGE.

* より本格的に論文の執筆に取り組む人向け。


1. Colquitt, J. A., and George, G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ-part 1: Topic choice. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 432-435.

2. Bono, J. E., and McNamara, G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ-part 2: Research design. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4), 657-660.

3. Grant, A. M., and Pollock, T. G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ-part 3: Setting the hook. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5), 873-879, doi:10.5465/amj.2011.4000.

4. Sparrowe, R. T., and Mayer, K. J. (2011). Publishing in AMJ-part 4: Grounding hypotheses. Academy of Management Journal, 54(6), 1098-1102, doi:10.5465/amj.2011.4001.

5. Zhang, Y., and Shaw, J. D. (2012). Publishing in AMJ-part 5: Crafting the methods and results. Academy of Management Journal, 55(1), 8-12, doi:10.5465/amj.2012.4001.

6. Geletkanycz, M., and Tepper, B. J. (2012). Publishing in AMJ-part 6: Discussing the implications. Academy of Management Journal, 55(2), 256-260, doi:10.5465/amj.2012.4002.

* 上記6つは世界最高峰の経営に関する学術誌、Academy of Management Journal に論文を載せるにはどうすればよいのか、ということに関する連載。これを一通り読めば論文の構成をどのようにすればよいのかが分かる。とくに、仮説実証型の論文を書く場合は必読。

7. Bansal, P., and Corley, K. (2012). Publishing in AMJ-part 7: What's different about qualitative research? Academy of Management Journal, 55(3), 509-513, doi:10.5465/amj.2012.4003.

* ケーススタディを用いた論文を書く人は必読。

8. George, G. (2012). Publishing in AMJ for non-U.S. Authors. Academy of Management Journal, 55(5), 1023-1026, doi:10.5465/amj.2012.4005.

* ネイティブじゃない人が英語論文を書く上で注意すべきことについて書かれている。
