Prison Breakを見る前に…
海外ドラマ好きな人で知らない人はいないであろう有名な「Prison Break」
しかし、ドラマの主人公マイケル・スコフィールドを演じたWentworth Millerがどれだけ困難を乗り越え、葛藤に立ち向かってきたのか知る人は少ない。
彼を深く知った上で「Prison Break」を見ると何か感じ取れるものがあるに違いない…
①Wentworth Miller 【Survival Mode】
I’ve had a complicated relationship with that word, ‘community‘. I’ve been slow to embrace it. I’ve been hesitant. I’ve been doubtful.For many years, I could not or would not accept that there was anything in that word for someone like me. Like connection and support, strength, warmth. And there are reasons for that. I wasn’t born in this country. I didn’t grow up in any one particular religion. I have a mixed race background and I’m gay. Really, it’s just your typical all-American boy next door. It has been natural to see myself as an individual. It’s been a challenge to imagine that self as part of something larger. Like many of you here tonight, I grew up in what I would call survival mode.
【emblace】を抱擁する/を喜んで受け入れる 【hesitant】躊躇した 【next door】隣の
私は、「共同社会」という言葉と複雑な関係にありました。その言葉を受け入れるのに時間がかかり、ためらい、疑いを抱いていました。長年にわたり、私のような人間にとってそのような言葉に何かしら意味があることを受け入れるのは容易ではありませんでした。人との関わり、支え、頼り、温もりといった言葉です。なぜかというと・・・私は、アメリカ出身ではありません。定まった宗教で育った訳ではなく、混血の生い立ちとして育ち、私は同性愛者だからです。(そうはいっても)実際は、皆さんの隣に暮らしているようなただの典型的なアメリカ人の少年です。自分自身を一個人としてとらえるのは普通のことです。普通を超えた存在となる自分を心に描く事は困難でした。今夜、ここにいる皆さんのように、私は「survival mode(生存状態)」と称する場所で育ちました。
When you’re in survival mode, your focus is on getting through the day in one piece, and when you’re in that mode at 5, at 10, at 15, there isn’t a lot of space for words like ‘community,’ for words like ‘us’ and ‘we.’ There’s only space for ‘I’ and ‘me.’ In fact, words like ‘us’ and ‘we’ not only sounded foreign to me at 5 and 10 and 15, they sounded like a lie. Because if ‘us’ and ‘we’ really existed, if there was really someone out there watching and listening and caring, then I would have been rescued by now.
【get through】通り抜ける/過ごす 【in one piece】無傷で/無事に
That feeling of being singular and different and alone carried over into my 20s and into my 30s. When I was 33, I started working on a TV show that was successful not only here in the States, but also abroad, which meant over the next 4 years, I was traveling to Asia, to the Middle East, to Europe, and everywhere in between, and in that time, I gave thousands of interviews. I had multiple opportunities to speak my truth, which is that I was gay, but I chose not to. I was out privately to family and friends, to the people I’d learned to trust over time, but professionally, publicly I was not. Asked to choose between being out of integrity and out of the closet, I chose the former. I chose to lie, I chose to dissemble, because when I thought about the possibility of coming out, about how that might impact me and the career I’d worked so hard for, I was filled with fear. Fear and anger and a stubborn resistance that had built up over many years. When I thought about that kid somewhere out there who might be inspired or moved by me taking a stand and speaking my truth, my mental response was consistently, ‘No thank you.’ I thought, I’ve spent over a decade building this career, alone, by myself, and from a certain point of view, it’s all I have. But now I’m supposed to put that at risk to be a role model, to someone I’ve never met, who I’m not even sure exists. That didn’t make any sense to me. That did not resonate… at the time.
【carry over】持ち越す 【learn to】できるようになる 【out of the closet】(隠していたことを)公にする/同性愛者だと公表する 【dissemble】を隠す/を装う/(vi)しらばくれる 【from a certain point of view~】~の観点から 【be supposed to do】することになっている/するはずだ 【role model】手本となる人 【make sense】意味をなす/道理にかなう/理解できる 【resonate】鳴り響く/共鳴する
Also, like many of you here tonight, growing up I was a target. Speaking the right way, standing the right way, holding your wrist the right way. Every day was a test and there were a thousand ways to fail. A thousand ways to betray yourself. To not live up to someone else’s standard of what was acceptable, of what was normal. And when you failed the test, which was guaranteed, there was a price to pay. Emotional. Psychological. Physical. And like many of you, I paid that price, more than once, in a variety of ways.
【betray】を裏切る/にそむく 【live up to~】~に従って行動する/こたえる 【guarantee】を保証する/の保証人になる
The first time that I tried to kill myself, I was 15. I waited until my family went away for the weekend and I was alone in the house and I swallowed a bottle of pills. I don’t remember what happened over the next couple of days, but I’m pretty sure come Monday morning I was on the bus back to school, pretending everything was fine. And when someone asked me if that was a cry for help, I say no, because I told no one. You only cry for help if you believe there’s help to cry for. And I didn’t. I wanted out. I wanted gone. At 15.
‘I‘ and ‘me’ can be a lonely place, and it will only get you so far.
By 2011, I’d made the decision to walk away from acting and many of the things I’d previously believed so important to me. And after I’d given up the scripts and the sets which I’d dreamed of as a child, and the resulting attention and scrutiny which I had not dreamed of as a child, the only thing I was left with was what I had when I started. ‘I‘ and ‘me,’ and it was not enough.
In 2012, I joined a men’s group called The Mankind Project, which is a men’s group for all men, and was introduced to the still foreign and still potentially threatening concepts of ‘us’ and ‘we,’ to the idea of brotherhood, sisterhood and community. And it was via that community that I became a member and proud supporter of the Human Rights Campaign, and it was via this community that I learned more about the persecution of my LGBT brothers and sisters in Russia.
2012年、「The Mankind Project」と呼ばれる集まりに参加しました。それは、すべての男性のためのグループです。そこで、未だに異質で潜在的に脅威となるような考えを知り、さらに助けとなる共同体の存在を知りました。その集団を通じて、the Human Rights Campaignの一員・支持者になり、ロシアのLGBTの方がどのような迫害をうけているか学びました。
Several weeks ago, when I was drafting my letter to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival, declining their invitation to attend, a small nagging voice in my head insisted that no one would notice. That no one was watching or listening or caring. But this time, finally, I knew that voice was wrong. I thought if even one person notices this letter in which I speak my truth and integrate my small story into a much larger and more important one, is worth sending. I thought, let me be to someone else what no one was to me. Let me send a message to that kid, maybe in America, maybe someplace far overseas, maybe somewhere deep inside, a kid who’s being targeted at home or at school or in the streets, that someone is watching and listening, and caring. That there is an ‘us,’ that there is a ‘we,’ and that kid or teenager or adult is loved, and they are not alone.
【draft】(v)を起草する/の下図をかく 【nagging】しつこい/やかましい
I am deeply grateful to the Human Rights Campaign for giving me and others like me the opportunity and the platform and the imperative to tell my story, to continue sending that message, because it needs to be sent, over and over again, until it’s been heard and received and embraced. Not just here in Washington State, not just across the country, but around the world, and then back again. Just in case. Just in case we miss someone.
【imperative】(n)命令/義務/必要性 【just in case】念の為/万が一のために
自分のことを話しメッセージを送り続ける機会・場所・必要性を与えていただき、the Human Rights Campaignには深く感謝します。繰り返し、誰かに届いて受け入れられるまでこうしたメッセージは発信されなければなりません。ここワシントン州だけでなく世界中に、そしてまた繰り返すのです。念の為に。誰も見逃すことがないように。
彼の言葉を聞いた後に見る「Prison Break」では何を感じ取ることができるでしょうか。ドラマである限り、作られた台本やセットで構成されてはいますがマイケル・スコフィールドという役に対する想い、ウェントワース・ミラーの演技は彼の自然な姿です。今回のスピーチを聞いたうえでドラマを再び見ると、マイケルの所々の悲しそうな表情はウェントワースの人生の葛藤を表しているととらえることもできます。既に見終わっている方も、そうでない方もウェントワースの姿を知ったうえで見てみることをお勧めします。