

以前こんなテッドトークに出会いました。タイトルは “Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life” このトークの中では、いかに人生の中で、flow (時間を忘れる感覚)、connection (人との繋がり)、playfulness (遊び心)が重要かという話をしているのですが、そのなかでプレゼンターのCatherineさんは、”fun is the secret to feeling alive” 「楽しむということは生きている実感を得る秘訣」(日本語訳)という言葉を放ちます。これを聞いた時、これだ!と思いました!私がずっと探していた、心の底から湧き上がる幸せな瞬間を表す言葉です。オーストラリアの友達と岩をよじ登って朝日を一緒に見た時、ヨーロッパ旅行で予期せぬ出会いを果たした時、窓から差し込む朝日を目掛けて家を飛び出したとき、全てに共通して言えることは、心がじわじわと熱くなって、「私生きている!」という感情を胸いっぱいに感じたことにあったと思います。高価なものは何もいらない、人や自然との繋がりが心を満たしてくれました。歳を重ねるごと、そしてテクノロジー化が進み効率性、合理性の追求がどんどんと進むごとに、時間に追われじっくりと自分がいる瞬間を認識し味わうことができなくなりました。このような気づきによって、今までの自分自身に対する不快感、社会に対するモヤモヤとした不安が少しずつ明らかになってきた気がします。

(English translation) omg it’s actually so hard to translate from Japanese to English lol
I used chat GPT and fixed some of bit but it might sound a bit robotic but I hope you understand my message hehe

The word "sustainability" became a trend (at least in Japan ever since SDGs became known among the public), but I've found myself thinking more about "mental sustainability." for the past few weeks. I want you to take a moment to ask yourself this question, "What fills my heart?" For me, fulfillment feels like a warm, almost melting sensation throughout my body. Images of love, gratitude, and embracement come to mind. It's clear skies and sunshine, beautiful green mountains, soul-stirring music, delicious meals, and time spent with friends who make me feel deeply connected. These elements don’t just give me a temporary exhilaration; they gradually increase my sense of happiness, leading me into a cycle of "mental sustainability."

Sustainability is often considered on a larger scale and usually has its focus on the environment and society. However, I believe sustainable living has a significant impact on our mental health and satisfaction with our lives. That’s why I use the term "mental sustainability." We often choose the fastest and most convenient options such as getting fast food or convenience store meals and buying cheap trendy clothes. It feels like it's almost inevitable to make those choices. These choices stem from our pursuit of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to manage our busy lives, but this cycle seems endless. No matter how advanced technology becomes, we never get such thing as "additional time" because as soon as we get the spare time, we think of how we can utilize that time to maximize profit.  How many people truly use their spare time for themselves?

Participating in this cycle of mass production and consumption feels like it robs us of our happiness. In our capitalist and neoliberal society, having money and being considered successful often gets equated with happiness and success. Building more wealth and creating time to build even more wealth—while “as cheap as possible, as fast as possible” might feel like we’re gaining something, but what exactly is that "gain"? It's crucial to think about what "gain" really means to you.

A society driven by mass production and consumption fosters competition and leaves us with no time or mental space to absorb and appreciate things deeply. Even if we reward ourselves, the happiness it brings doesn’t last long, and that is why I find it very challenging to maintain mental sustainability in such a society we live in. Keeping up with the fast pace of time, I realize I haven’t given myself enough moments to truly feel "alive." I've been feeling like my body was here but my soul was somewhere else.

I once came across a TED Talk titled "Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life," where the presenter, Catherine, mentioned how important flow, connection, and playfulness are in life to have fun. She said, "Fun is the secret to feeling alive," and when I heard this, I thought, "This is it!" This phrase perfectly describes the moments of happiness that I've been feeling like I was lacking in my life.

Climbing up the rocks in the early morning with my friends in Australia, having an unexpected encounter with new people in Europe, or running out of the house to catch the morning sunlight streaming through the window in Finland, I felt a warm, overwhelming sensation of "I'm alive!" Expensive things weren’t necessary; connections with people and nature filled my heart. As I get older and technology advances, pushing us to pursue efficiency and rationality even more, I find less time to recognize and savor the moments I’m in. Realizing this, the vague discomfort with myself and the unease about society have become way clearer.

I, too, have focused on efficiency, always seeking the quickest way to do things, thinking I was getting some undefined "gain." But now, after these realizations, I think a life full of detours isn’t so bad. Without being obsessed with convenience and efficiency, I want to take life slowly and savor each moment. It might sound very cliche, but I believe we can change how we live our lives by choosing what matters the most for us in life. Though I haven't fully integrated these feelings into my daily life yet, I’m starting to shift from the old ways by being mindful of what I consume, who I spend time with, how I spend my free time, and what information I expose myself to. I’m considering a theme of "slow and steady" to enjoy life more.

So, I’m sharing my daily thoughts and feelings more like a diary than a message to anyone. I hope you'll watch over me warmly as I embark on this journey. 💖
Excuse my poor writing skills in English but I hope I will improve it over time…
Thanks for reading xx
The picture at the heading is the one i took in Finland after waking up to the sunlight from the small window and I ran out the house to watch it🌄
