
HumiGal 0.2.8 Version Update : Zero-Code Visual Novel Engine for Mobile Reading

HumiGal is a zero-code engine for Galgames and visual novels, designed for easy reading on mobile phones, tablets, and computers. With its simple interface, even those without prior experience in creating visual novels can get started within five minutes. HumiGal supports the serialized release of chapters in visual novels.

Now, let's explore the latest updates and improvements together!

New Features and Enhancements

HumiGal Engine

  • A real-time preview toggle has been added, allowing for instantaneous activation or deactivation

  • A [Full Screen Subtitles] storyboard type has been introduced, facilitating the production of full-screen subtitle text

  • A one-click removal of blank storyboards has been added

  • Character portraits can now be scaled

  • Character portrait positioning is now adjustable

A selection of new features is scheduled for a phased release over the course of this week.
There may be undiscovered bugs with new features. Should any bugs be encountered, we encourage you to report them to us :)

Bug Fixes

  • A semi-transparent base color has been added to the in-game text box

  • Fixed a bug where predefined chapter jumps failed to proceed to the intended chapter, redirecting to the chapter selection page instead.

We've revised the logic and formatting of the Option storyboard type, which may affect the Jump function in older works. Creators are advised to review the jump settings in their works for any irregularities. Should you encounter additional bugs, we welcome your feedback.
Thank you!

Preview of Version 0.2.9

Exciting new features and enhancements

Humigal Engine

  • Desktop support (Windows, MacOS, Linux) will be added to address lag issues during editing and to resolve inconsistencies between local data and server synchronization (data localization efforts are underway)

  • Phonetic annotation capabilities will be introduced

  • An R18 rating system will be implemented

  • Character portrait effects, such as fading in and out, will be added

  • Transition effects, including fades, will be introduced

  • The punctuation pause feature will be refined, with an option to disable it in the settings

  • A fast forward/rewind function using the mouse wheel will be implemented

Anticipated bug fixes

  • An identified bug where adding or reusing assets can occasionally result in modifications to all assets is slated for correction

  • The action of deleting a storyboard is expected to be fixed to prevent the unintended deletion of all subsequent storyboards

Participating in Testing

HumiGal Engine


  • Web Version. It is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.

  • Desktop app development is currently in progress.

HumiHumi APP

Android smartphones

iOS smartphones

  • Play Games Directly in Your Web Browser

  • App development is coming soon. Stay tuned for updates.


You can join our Discord server to connect and engage with other creators and provide feedback to the HumiHumi team. We warmly welcome your participation!
