Episode 1. Prepare it before semester begins!
Jun Maeda
Hokkaido Univ. Library
1. Introduction
Library dynamics, if it is to be, is of primary interest for both library itself and users to better understand the potential demand for improvement. The dynamics are driven by users and managed, controlled, and provided by library staffs. Thus, the key for a successful library management is in the mutual understanding of these two parties.
Here we report brief results on user dynamics as seen from book loan time series. The analyses remain with some improvement but for now it is here to share with you.
2. Method
We used book loan data with DDC classification of 808.066 derived from library management system (LMS) to analyse the number of loans per a day between 2007 and 2017. Each loan data is tagged with user classification, e.g., undergraduate student, graduate student, and professor. Then we draw a book loan time series to see seasonal variation, and we conduct user classification analysis to show the driver of the variation.
The book collection time series regarding 808.066 is also derived from LMS data, to compare the collection growth with loan number variation.
3. Results
Figure 1 shows the book loan time series with a raw data between 2013.4 to 2016.4. It shows clear peak after spring and autumn semester begins.
With stacked value and running average, Figure 2 shows quasi-biannual trend with maxima around May (Spring) and October to November (Autumn), and minima with March and September. Hokkaido University runs two semesters (terms) in a year, which starts from mid-April and mid-October, respectively. The entrance and graduation ceremonies take place in early April and late March, respectively (In Japan, the fiscal year starts in April and ends in March. Therefore, most of universities and companies run according this peculiar fiscal year).
Figure 3 shows the user classification analysis. It shows ~50% of books are loaned by graduate students, and ~40% by undergraduate students. Both professors and research students take less than 5% respectively.
The number of book loan show clear growth corresponding to that of collections (Figure 4).
4. Discussion
The book loan, regarding academic writing, has high demand during term report and theses seasons, shown as quasi-biannual trend. Majority of borrowers consist of graduate and undergraduate students whose academic activities well correspond to the semesters.
These results imply that the impact of increased number of collections on academic writing maximises before the start of semesters. Therefore, library should start preparing new collections of academic writing books prior to the semesters.
Growing number of collections on academic writing has enhanced book use for the last 10 years. This implies potential contribution of university library to faculty members on improving the academic writing skill.
5. Conclusions
・Regarding academic writing books, quasi-biannual trend in book loan is clear and well correspond to academic activities, i.e., term reports and thesis, by graduate and undergraduate students.
・University library can maximise its impact on providing academic writing skills to those who need the most by improving the book collection before the semester begins.
・The number of loans of academic writing books has been steadily growing. The library can contribute to enhance the writing skills of students by preparing up-to-date collections.
Image from Pexels by Alina Vilchenko