
「ヒューマニズム写真」運動の中心人物であった ウィリー・ロニの写真たちに、心惹かれる

"日常の美しさこそが、常に私の最大の感動の源だった"として、”「普通の生活を営む普通の人々」に興味を持ち、パリの街を歩き回り、モノクロ写真に収めたロニ。(1910 ー 2009)


Today we celebrate the birthday of Willy Ronis
Claiming interest in “ordinary people with ordinary lives,” Willy Ronis was among the foremost postwar French photographers, who spent his career roaming the Parisian streets capturing people in love, at work, and at play in lyrical black-and-white images. Like his colleagues Robert Doisneau, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Brassaï, he was a central figure in the “humanist photography” movement, celebrating the poetry in the everyday in warm, witty images. “I have never sought out the extraordinary or the scoop,” he once said. “The beauty of the ordinary was always the source of my greatest emotions.” Ronis honed his sense of proportion and composition working in his parents’ photography studio. He holds the distinction of being the first French staff photographer for LIFE Magazine, and his work was included in Edward Steichen’s seminal “Five French Photographers” (1951) and “The Family of Man” (1955) exhibitions.


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