Hiloyuki Kubota - Inspiration feat. Vocaloid

・VOCALS : Vocaloid
・MUSIC & LYRICS : Hiloyuki Kubota
・ILLUSTRATION : Midjourney



The value of living, full of joy.

The unchanging world. A little egret flying gracefully.
Sunlight reflects on the surface of the river.

The surrounding situation is a reflection of the situation of the heart. It can be heaven or hell, and we are in charge.


The idea of an endless and continuous I.

無より来る心 無に帰す我の衣
虹に七色 渦巻く嵐

A shared vision of the future, a strengthened unity and aligned strides.
Change begins with a small seed. Eventually it becomes a large tree, bearing more fruit.


分かつ世界 飢え 見えぬ崖
Humanity knows the end but can’t change its direction.

A spark of inspiration, that moment when the greatest human capacity is gained.
The light that guides life, the destination is the optimal place.No matter the twists and turns.

しじまと花筏 雅


移ろう世情 見通せぬ先

煌めく才能 異次元の
見抜く目 動く危機迫る世界

A spark of inspiration, that moment when the greatest human capacity is gained.
The light that guides life, the destination is the optimal place.No matter the twists and turns.

The timing is right to start running toward an ideal world.
A shared vision of the future, a strengthened unity and aligned strides.
Change begins with a small seed. Eventually it becomes a large tree, bearing more fruit.

The world of invisible consciousness. How much can a human being know?
