本記事では、私が2022年9月~2023年9月まで在学したイギリス・バーミンガムにあるAston大学ビジネススクール・MSc Human Resource Managementにて執筆した修士論文を公開いたします。
タイトルは「Work motivation in Japan: A study of individual’s job fit and aspiration in a collectivistic society.」で、日本企業に勤める会社員の方々を対象に実施したサーベイ結果を基に、日本人の“働くモチベーション(動機付け)”と“主観的な仕事とのフィット感(≒やりたい仕事をやれているか)”との関係性について研究・考察を行いました。
The aim of this research is to investigate the factors of work motivation of Japanese employees focusing on individual’s job fit and collectivism. An online survey on attitudes towards these elements was conducted for Japanese workers who belong to a specific network in a social medium in order to explore the association with motivation. The results indicate that perceived job fit has a significant positive impact on work motivation in relation to the three components of job fit: Person-Organisation fit, Needs-Supplies fit, and Demands-Abilities fit. In addition, it is clarified that collectivism does not have a substantial effect on work motivation among Japanese workers. In conclusion, the importance of job fit highlights that aligning employees with roles which match their skills, aspirations, and organisational culture is effective in an organisation. It is recommended for the HR department to conduct activities in order to improve the job fit among employees such as by designing the job and developing the specific job descriptions, recruiting the right people demonstrating employer brand management, and providing career development training.