ドイツの劇作家Georg Kaiserが亡命先のスイスチューリヒで1940年に発表した“Der Soldat Tanaka”が、五戸真理枝の演出で今日の聴衆の感動を呼び起こした。本作は戦争の悲惨を共有するとともに、更に権力の支配構造にも目をいたすことを求めている。
The ovation that graced the curtain call for "Der Soldat Tanaka" was ceaseless, a testament to its profound impact on the audience. This masterpiece, originating from the pen of the esteemed German dramatist Georg Kaiser and first unveiled in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1940, has been brought to life under the discerning direction of Marie Gonohe. It eloquently conveys the war's harrowing tragedy while casting a critical eye on the power and control mechanisms underpinning it. Esteemed publications such as The Mainichi and Asahi Shimbun lauded it with glowing commendations on February 8, reflecting its significance and resonance with contemporary viewers.
#兵卒タナカ ♯Der Soldat Tanaka