The Visit (Der Besuch der Alten Dame or The Visit of an Old Lady) is a well-known play by Friedrich Durrenmatt, who wrote it in 1955. It was first performed in 1956. I went to see it on June 1st, and it was directed by Marie Gonohe (五戸真理枝). I really enjoyed it. It was deep, spirited, creative, and really made me think.
It seems to be the kind of play that would speak to people living with doubts or anxiety regarding the future. It encouraged me to consider other people and my place in the world.
Natsuko Akiyama(秋山菜津子)and Kazuyuki Aijima(相島一之) were fantastic in the lead roles, but the whole cast and staff were worthy of mention.
The refrain of the play's song and the big chorus at the finale was also impressive. It is on stage at the New National Theatre, Tokyo, until the 19th.
The Visit (Der Besuch der Alten Dame または The Visit of an Old Lady) はフリードリヒ・デュレンマットが1955年に書いた有名な戯曲であり、初演は1956年です。私は6月1日に見に行ったのですが、演出は五戸真理枝さんでした。本当に楽しかった。深くて、元気で、クリエイティブで、本当に考えさせられる作品でした。